Looks like our Taesan like Kang Jun. Also am i weird for being "okay"? With KJ hated Tae San and Yo Han? I mean, he's highschooler with long unrequited love. TS showed up unexpectedly when KJ thought his relationship with Joon Woo progressed steadily (KJ thought, cuz cmon hes so hopeless). Moreover, eventhough KJ did help TS with jealousy as his reason, he could've stay silent and let JW bully TS. In a way, he helps TS and at the same time temporarily change JW attitude towards TS. Welp, until JW knew TS like KJ, though. I swear the only problem in this story is Joon Woo.
Meanwhile Yo Han, i feel like KJ dislike YH bcuz YH can see through KJ. And KJ looks like realize that YH probably being kind to him because YH realize KJ like JW.... and KJ's love was not returned. Maybe KJ thought he was being pitied by YH? Idk, if it's me, i think i dont want to be pitied bcuz i have unrequited love on someone lol. Thats just my opinion though..
This is great but the amount of woman/girl in this story is a bit... i dont eveb see any major male character, i thought Veron would change his mind too arggghhhh. Also kinda guessing Allen is a woman too..... ALSO the body of female characters here kinda... idk, maybe bcuz they are students, i expect them to look like a child but maybe the academy is like college???? THE WOMEN KINDA LOLLIFIED FOR ME
I think the same too...I thought I was the only one who thought the body shape is so weird...i also thought am I a pervert who think about this...thanks for pointing out so I'm not the weird one ..huhuhuhu....anyway I think it's because this manhwa is harem... maybe? lolol ..so they make the girl became attractive in point of view for man maybe..idk but I think it's so weird and kinda piss me off ..I hate unnecessary romance blugh
I honestly more disturbed by the girls/women anatomy, like the knight fiancee i mean. I expect her to have muscle since she's a knight and the adventurer girl too also too lollified for her job The thing is the other character anatomy is not bad, but when it cames to any major female characters they suddenly get cutesy and lollified bruh i was kinda disappointed, especially those big boobs ☠☠☠☠ also someone said that its not harem bcuz its one sided, but i feel like he has feeling for the fiancee since he broke up with his real gf in real world
I heard it was a harem
The feeling of care he got for this fiance was deculein's not really his, he doesn't love her. The only one he really loved, was the ex gf in the real world.
At least she wears an armor, not something with breast and belly buttons out as sexyness protects from swords