Seiridis October 27, 2023 4:10 pm

Can anybody link me RAWs plz?
My old link is dead, I've been browsing through comments and so far did not find anything.

Seiridis January 1, 2021 5:46 pm

Is the first thing that came to my mind after reading the description. xD

Seiridis October 5, 2020 10:38 pm

If it itsn't clear to the man you like that you like him but you don't want to say it out loud, just sit on him. Just shove your ass right into him with full force and no subtlety. THAT. IS. THE. WAY. :D 10/10 I just love this character so much, haha.

Seiridis May 30, 2020 10:43 am

This was a nice chapter, I liked it very much, mainly for the emotional depth and complicated, tangled feelings.
Cheers to all SJWs, I don't know why you're doing what you're doing, but like, chill out. :P

    Gray May 30, 2020 10:50 am

    What a very smart comment. it's like it took nothing to use your braincells to understand. Wow!!!

    Oden May 30, 2020 10:56 am

    what does SJW mean?

    Seiridis May 30, 2020 12:11 pm
    what does SJW mean? Oden

    On this site, in particular, it means people who just can't deal and understand the fact that even if someone likes this thing X in the story does not mean they would endorse the same behavior in real life. And so they attack those people because obviously your fantasies or indulging certain stories means you support the same behaviour pattern in real life.
    There are things that bother me terribly (even on this site), and I tend to just stay the hell away from them instead of flaming everybody, but to each their own I guess.
    Also, people who are like - "but think about children here and what they might get from this story, they don't know any better and their worldview will be irrevocably changed by it".
    Yes, yes, couldn't choose a better site to take this argument under consideration, it would only get better if people started spouting about healthy relationship depictions and how it might skewer young mind on 4chan, 9gag, pornhub, etc...
    Children should not be at this site or reading this work and if they, neither author nor commenters nor characters are in any way responsible. Their guardians are and they are.

    ashiyel May 30, 2020 12:30 pm
    what does SJW mean? Oden

    Social Justice Warrior

Seiridis April 16, 2020 6:11 pm

Soooo... Kudos to scanlation group for trying, I guess... But can someone link me a version that isn't a total gibberish? (⌒▽⌒)

Seiridis March 24, 2020 3:49 pm

So last time I read this series was some 3-4 years ago I think, I don't remember shit and I wonder if there is any point at all in reading it again. Seeing as I don't mind spoilers at all concerning this series, could any of you please let me know as follows:

1. Chapters where Norio & Kunimasa appear.
1a. Their relationship progression and where do they stand relationship-wise at their last appearance in this manga.
2. Chapters where Shiro and Yonekuni appear.
2a. Their relationship progression and where do they stand relationship-wise at their last appearance in this manga.
3. Does anyone know if the author has any social media?
3a. If they do have social media, did they make any statement concerning when or if this manga will be finished anytime soon or when N&K + S&Y will make an appearance again or when their storylines will be wrapped up?
3b. Or any information that might give us (me) some relief in waiting?
4. Is there any cheat-sheet besides Wikia/fandom, where I can get information concerning the plot of this timespan-monstrosity?

...seriously people, when I started reading it I was around 10 years ago. I can't even imagine the pain people who follow it faithfully from the beginning are in.

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