it's cute and all but idk if it's just me or is this manhwa so weirdly paced? like it took 40 chapters just to arrive at the main residence in the north??? like there's so much filler stuff that idgaf about since most of it is always "OMFHDHDH SHE'S SO CUTE GOTTA GIVE HER CAKE" like i get it she's cute, but omfg it's so repetitive?? like every other scene has to involve someone giving her something or adoring her just because she's cute like i honestly just cringe a little because everyone's attention is literally always on her, and i get she's the mc, but it's kinda much for me

he's such a piece of shit and i feel so bad for the agnes and lillie like how are you gonna cause so much pain to her and expect her to just come back to you that easy and omfhfgg the audacity to say that he does trust her, but she doesn't trust him like no shit sherlock who would trust your ass after you did all that shit to her????? like how is he gonna take something random and misunderstand it to the maximum degree and blame it on her?? like bro why are you even getting jealous of her goddamn cousin,, but it'd actually be mf better if she commits incest than be with a literal piece of garbage like him. like these people need to actually talk properly so this stupid story wouldn't need to exist.
and for lillie like even though she's done terrible stuff, i honestly sympathise with her like imagine dating someone and all they think about is their goddamn ex and only acts affectionate when he's infront of his ex like i would honestly go crazy too, but maybe not that batshit crazy.,, even though she was a piece of shit too, i still feel so bad that she even had to be in the presence of the crown prince,, and the fact she was only used and literally thrown away by him because woo hoo they're back together again she probably wouldn't even have been in that situation if it wasn't for the his lvl -10000 communication skills.
and the fact that he literally liked seeing her hurt when he was with lillie like???? reading that scene where he was just realizing her worth to him when she was literally about to kill herself just makes me so just like the other comment said, if i was the mc, i would kill myself just so he could live with a mf guilty conscience for once
hopefully balta will the ml
He is the ML