my eyes are so stuffy, but god i hate kloff so fucking much. like what aeroc did was fucked up, yeah he didn't want him to die and it still doesn't justify it, but after EVERYTHING he's gone through, i think he's paid for it. i literally want to crush kloff's goddamn balls because he couldn't stop assaulting him and getting him pregnant then fucking letting him die like that??? then he has the damn audacity to not even admit his true feelings even after he's old and crusty.
like how can aeroc still love the man after all that he's been through because of said man

i'm sorry what??? this is so fast paced
like you're telling me her whole family got killed in a single chapter?? like no foreshadowing or any build up at all, like what??????
i wished we could've atleast seen more chapters on how she lived with the ferdinands because again everything was shoved in a few chapters?? like atleast build up something before the ml just swoops and gets her after a single chapter??
like both katarina and benjamin's characters are so flat. couldn't they have shown why katarina hates her guts so much?? like she's such a shitty villain. and for benjamin, couldn't they have shown them together, so we could actually give a damn about his romantic interest toward her? they could've of shown him saving her from the uncle or something, but nooo the uncle does his shit and disappears into the void
plus benjamin just randomly dropping that oh yeah i killed the empress for u
this was so ass?
i would've rather have his ass die. how was he even allowed to live again when his mom just literally died like that? like omfg i dislike everybody except the red head, nurse, and reaper.
idk if it's just me, but the plot twist was so obvious from the start like the cover alone already exposed the whole ass plot. and idk i don't really feel that much chemistry w them? maybe it's bc of the pacing?? or maybe because mc kinda sucks ass too, like i would've preferred it to not be harem because it felt so forced w the other guys lol. blondie should've just tried to romance him instead of going through that stupid setup that was shady asf. ALSO the nurse deserved sm better like??