This story had alot of potential but the mc is suuucchhh a fuckin draaaagggg. Getting through some of the dialouges were painful and bruh. IF YOURE IN A ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE OF COURSE YOU GONNA HAVE TO LEARN TO KILL OTHERS. LIKE BRUH WTF?? The author tried too hard in a complete FAIL way to make us empathize with the Mc's moral dilemna. Like. Bruh. No. Dont be fucking stupid. Like.. I get what the author was trynna do, but nah. Shit was frusturating to read and there was no 'realism' to what humans were really like, just not good writing. ugh.

Where is the rest?@?!?!

If you’re interested in raws, here’s chapter 5 in Thai https://www.facebook.com/pg/Tanhasung/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2752658431463936&ref=page_internal
isnt this the same author as ks? Lmao like duh?
it's not.