Ranko is a girl who loves her peaceful daily life, but her peaceful routine is disrupted when her da...
- Author: miyuki mitsubachi
- Genres: Shoujo / Romance / Slice Of Life
Ranko is a girl who loves her peaceful daily life, but her peaceful routine is disrupted when her da...
- Author: miyuki mitsubachi
- Genres: Shoujo / Romance / Slice Of Life
Hayame leads a modest, peaceful life as a housewife. One day she meets a jackass student named Issei...
- Author: tachibana oreco
- Genres: Josei / Drama / Romance / Slice Of Life / School Life
Hayame leads a modest, peaceful life as a housewife. One day she meets a jackass student named Issei...
- Author: tachibana oreco
- Genres: Josei / Drama / Romance / Slice Of Life / School Life