booooooooooooooring <.< really lost interest to read manga lately... what to do..??????
i think you will get into it again but maybe it will take some time. in my case i watched shigatsu wa kimi no use and felt empty after it and didn't read/watch manga/anime for a month, then i came across shinsekai yori and LOVED IT! and felt empty again and didn't read/watch for a month again. euhm.. sorry for ranting on #-.-) but what i meant to say was maybe you just have to find "that" manga for you
What takami said or try a different/new type of it
How about watching a TV series? or reading books/fanfiction?
That's what i'm doing at the moment, all BL or at least bromance of course xD. I haven't read a single yaoi in almost 4 months O_O
TV series i recommend (if you haven't seen them)
- Merlin (completed 5 seasons)
- Sherlock (3 seasons) -watching it at the moment
Both have heavy bromance, (Merlin especially) and the main chars are all quirky and lovable ( and British . . . accent ლ(´ڡ`ლ) )
How about doing something with friends? Like goin on a party, cinema or just hamging out an talk, you know the usual things.
And for fanfiction, i recommend this site.
There's a fandom for everything, and a really neat search system that includes tags (authors made them) , to better find smt specific
I must point out that this site is to fault for my "yaoi rehab". I've started reading fanfiction in any and all possible fandoms (⊙…⊙ )
sry for late reply :p
It is indeed very interesting (⌒▽⌒). Not to mention that you don't even need "yaoi eyes "much, the show itself practically ships the main chars. It's bromance charged to the max, and even the actors themselves admit it xD
And, hands down, Merlin (the MC) is THE most adorable person ever, his smile could melt the polar ice caps :'D
can u please..... suggest me manga wtver gendre to cure my boredom...
really i don't know what to do right now.. !! <.<
This one's real cute
Run away from reality to something fantasy
Change mood by comedy
he is going to bite little mo there.. :P