This manga rubs me the wrong way like I loveeee the tall x short dynamic but that’s it the way he acts all the time especially with jealously bothers me and the way he’s alwaysssss having sexy times with her not even asking her first also bothers me like it would’ve been hella cute if he worked on his jealousy and chilled with the Hornyness like they really could not just be around each other without doing a something something. I get it’s suppose to be a smut manga but like yeah cool do that but also show actual relationship moments that don’t revolve them always having sex. Another thing that whole teacher moment she had with him and how the guy handled the situation when he found out was just not it at alll. Like dude you’re really going to just completely have sex with her when she had a really weird/creepy encounter with an older man. If anything the other dude that liked hina is the only sane person since he really just respects her and never tried anything with her.