Zeroken09 created a topic of Joseon Sex Shop

Awwww so cute and an overall nice ending for one season. Im just not sold on uke’s extent of like or love for seme yet. The looming problem is making me anxious lol.

So cute! Moarrrrrrrr ahhhhhh theyre just so perfect together

Zeroken09 created a topic of Limited Run

Next chapter about to be lit omfg you just had to push every freaking button, and cut every last thread of patience the man has ever had. Gurl RIP to you

Zeroken09 created a topic of Jinx

Wow.. im Okay… i think im just gonna drop this now, before I can say anything else. I hope it gets better for people who’ll still continue reading.

Zeroken09 created a topic of Duke's Private Tutor

Good, sometimes showing your raw, vulnerable self is necessary, so the other thick headed person can finally understand. Enough is enough.

Zeroken09 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

My god, plot aside this is just top tier art, the sex scenes are one of the steamiest illustrations I have ever seen. Every smut scenes made me dizzy that i had to reread the whole chapter twice lmao. This is for sure going to be in my favourites list.

As the heir to the Yooshin corporation, Yoo Taehyuk is living his best life. However, everything cha...

  • Author: Ma jeung ji
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Mature / Smut / Drama / Romance / Slice Of Life
Zeroken09 created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Their love feels so hard earned.. damn when it’s my turn to have a seme with seon-woo’s personality and upbringing? I would love to be one of their children ;(((

Zeroken09 created a topic of Duke's Private Tutor

Jace is just really getting on my fucking nerves at this point, you gotta face ur problem head-on sometimes dude.

Zeroken09 created a topic of Jinx

Sigh… i cant even enjoy the hawt scenes properly… why is it that with these kinds of stories the mc always fall for the first dude? Is this first come, first-served? It’s like it’s irreversible, unbreakable and cannot be changed. Like they fall for the person who treats them the worst instantly, without ever considering the other love interests that comes along.

Now, im just waiting for the story to reveal some sort of “bad” trait that will put the pink haired guy in a bad light. Something that will uplift Jaekhyun as the better option.

Zeroken09 created a topic of Gentle Forest

Whoa.. that was a read. First I was like my gosh the art is so crisp and clean and the way the scenery was drawn was so refreshing and relaxing… then the dad was so hawt too then…aww thats so sad, like what are the chances of both their moms dying too? are their dads really just close friends tho? But then baam love interest arrived and then the plot happened I was like huh?

That was really something, for a first chapter of a book they really crammed a lot of backstory and revealed a lot of the plot already. The art is gorgeous but i feel like the storyline might get a bit stale real fast.

Reading this is just so relaxing lol i really hope it stays that way, keep recruiting animal friends and keep expanding your farm

Okay almost there! One more month for another chapter!

Zeroken09 created a topic of The Titan's bride

Why do i feel some spark between kouichi and dyne? Hmmm… second husband maybe? Just kidding but wth is happening lol everything got so chaotic all of the sudden

Does the mc have prosopagnosia? So everyone except the love interest? Also, i feel like its a trauma induced condition

Awwwe i honestly think it ended pretty nicely. Short enough, but will keep you interested. No unnecessary third parties and a happily ever after.

Zeroken09 created a topic of Duke's Private Tutor

Finally!!! You go baby bro noah talk that shietttt hahahahhaha

Awww i was expecting some shmutty mutty sexsh schenes

Zeroken09 created a topic of Limited Run

Oh my fucking gosh!! This is so annoying! A scandal leak?! Give fucking uke a break ffs these annoying blackmailers and manipulators

Aw baby dragon just keeps getting cuter and cuter