Flyfly created a topic of Love Sick Dog

I wanted to make this comment in case anyone needs to see it. The thread I had responded to was deleted so I'm making a new one.

This story deals with a lot of different types of abuse, and I think it does a great job at showing how different ppl react to the abuse.
Irl abuse isnt always in your face and done by an evil character that is just evil to be evil. People have their reasons and the abused ppl will react in different ways sometimes in ways that make it seem like they are complicit in their abuse. That doesn't mean they want it to happen, or that because they are going along with it they deserve the abuse.

Ye-gyum was raped, there is 0 ambiguity there. Even though he was untied and was moving on his own it doesn't mean he was consenting to it. It means that he didn't have a choice in the matter and did what he thought was best in the moment.

Flyfly created a topic of Love Sick Dog

I am loving the story and the characters they are all so complex and nuanced their actions, though fucked up, make sense. None of them feel like caricatures being evil just because. I hope our boys find happiness in the end even if it isn't with each other.