I guess the reason senpai break up with Motoki is because the stalker might threaten senpai to do so. So, senpai want to show his cool side and doesn't want Motoki knew he had been threaten choose to disappear. But again, senpai still loves Motoki and still wanna know bout him. Then he choose to ask his friend and using landline as the precaution so the stalker doesn't know bout his friend or Motoki. And the end, after 3 years, maybe senpai become desperate to see Motoki or maybe the stalker at the end of the limit to contain himself from hurting senpai leads to an accident, i strongly believes the accident cause by stalker because the doctor shows the pictures of the stalker as to find the criminal. Senpai lost memories and the stories go on just like that~~
sorry for my bad english as it not my 1st language.
I love this story too much. Suit with the title never understand, my interpretation is like we never understand love.
like how the handsome yuri fall in love with ugly jaerim. Like how aerak miserably love heeno even had been called fat pig. Like how ayeon willing do anything for that bitch. And how twisted feeling ex-president have for dunno.
the story is so full of emotion and one of them is when chilli peppers ask why aerak still love heeno even he had been hurt. Like he said heeno only love the beautiful aerak, not the fat one. Then aerak replied make me speechless, "i'm just like him. I like the way he looked. I just didn't want to admit it. I like him first. I liked him first only because of his look.. "
then i realized both aerak and heeno just same, both of them love beautiful thing ~~
I love all the works of this author, but when I read sensei manga, it's like you enjoyed the ride and suddenly you reached the destination. Please, one day I hope there's miracle and sensei makes a longer stories~~ლ(´ڡ`ლ)