I always had an issue with the male lead but I could never pin down what it actually boiled down to. I understand it's established, at the beginning, that he's mixed but are you telling me the artist couldn't make him at least look a little Arab? Man has blonde hair, blue eyes, and the palest fucking skin in a country with an average of 30°C year round. Gtfoh. Couldn't give him the slightest bloody tan or just simply black eyes. Whilst this does really grind my gears I'm not gonna drop the manga cause the story is ight
Icl not everything needs to be a bl. This would be such a nice fluffy story of a thug raising a young werewolf.
then stop reading bl idk what to tell you man go read Papa Wolf and the Puppy or something
oh gagged
I don't know where you get the misplaced confidence to pipe up in defence of grooming and borderline pedophilia. Both disgusting and astonishing. You damn right though I'll stick to my Papa wolf and the puppy.
If only I can like this...
literally everyone’s fucking defending this plot like there’s sum wrong w them
Grooming where ??
Ong it's baffling and then you've got the brainless fucks all up in my comment saying shit like 'gagged' n 'pop off. Dumb asf
Ain't no way I got to spell it out for your dumbass. Bro raised this pup from infancy and then proceeded to have a sexual relationship him. Where's the confusion? See how irl we call Woody Allen a groomer? Apply the same logic to this manga and you'll see the MC doing the same damn thing.
He raised him without sexual relationships I’m confused because only the pup developed feelings also hes a grown adult now it honestly doesn’t matter if they fuck or whatever liek yeah it’d be weird doing that witha father figure but the pup grew up loving him not thinking he was a father figure he was just a kid with a crush is there something I’m missing
I’m sorry that was some really shitty spelling but anyway I’m confused if I missed something they never had any sexual relationships
wtf see doing this shit is what makes these terms meaningless. he didnt raise with the intention to have sex with him.
No they do not. I stand by what I said. MC is informed he has a rut period, still acknowledges him as a child in his eyes and then still proceeds to sleep with him. Mc has decades on this pup, RAISED HIM n still engages in a sexual relationship with him. If that doesn't make you feel icky that's alarming.
What is wrong with u, I'm sure u checked the tag before u read yeh?
Yes I did but what relevance does that make to my original statement and further arguments? Again I stand by what I said.
Its fiction, they can right what ever they want. Ur preferences has no stand in their point. And just because they read or right them it doesn't mean they support pedophilia. U get that in ur tiny lil hea-
Get it in your tiny little brain I give 0 shits how you try to justify pedophilia. Nowhere did I state I wanted to start this grand revolution because I know at the end of the day there are going to be people like you that indulge in content that you know is inherently immoral. You probably thoroughly enjoy rape in manga just because it's fiction. Genuinely a lost cause.
Wat a Dum-, Nah. Nope. You just got roasted so good thats why ur playing it cool by accusing people whatevr u want. And pretending to be the better guy cuz "nOT EvRYtHinGs NeEds tO be BL". when u are here in the first place to read yaoi. Wat a hypocrite.
@Abs Inspector because I know you're following this shit. Your mannerisms geniuinely make it seem like I'm arguing with a child so I'm not going to entertain this further. I don't even know whether you're old enough to be on this website, reading this kind of content. I don't care whether I'm being roasted: 1. I'm not a child. 2. All it shows is that people's moral compasses are fucked up. Again I don't see how reading a father get railed by their adopted son, WHO THEY'VE RAISED FROM INFANCY, is not weird in the slightest. Disgusting. I do fear people however have thought I'm coming at this from a homophobic angle. That's not the case, you're right, I came here for bl and left when I realised the plot was shit and nasty.