i already read the novel and all but seeing this again really hurts i really dont care if theyre acting tsundere or whatever if someone cant express themselves properly and in return hurt others with their words and actions i dont think they are worth the forgiveness

thanks for the information. i saw in the comments that people were rooting for the crown prince. I left off in the novel a few chapters after she first met the crown prince. I can't say he's made a great impression so I was confused why there were readers in his lane and thought perhaps the story developed far enough to make him the official ship.

Oh. I was also thinking its the crown prince. Hahahaha. But i need a bit more infos. Hahahaha. There are 5 MLs of course brothers are out of choices. Sorcerer are kind but scary, eclise the knight hmp, too pretentious for me, I have doubt in his actions, crown prince are aggresive but literal for everyone not just for FL, so best choice is crown prince for now Hahahaha.

that eclise im really really scared of him idk why it just feels like hes bidding his time for something big like his affection points are there just in name only and that hes actually very coldhearted and indifferent towards her..in short that guy gives me the chills
as for the sorcerer i initially thought he was a good match but hes kinda too mysterious for my tastes so yeah the only one thats left is the straightforward overbearing president type the crown prince
yeah i took a screenshot of that too