Because of how cringey the dialogue can be but this is hard to read for even more reasons. I still enjoy it tho.
Of course he fucking knows. Candy can’t act for shit and everything about him screams suspicious!
TOXIC FATHERs. I’d prefer action plots to shoujo ones but either one is ok. For my daddy issues uwu~~
Tyyy I just read the first one and it was excellent
Mc’s older brother committed suicide so he goes to his boarding school to investigate why. His brother was part of a club? And there are loads of gays there. Also it’s a yaoi or shounenai can’t remember
Omg just read Chibikko Ga Kawaisou Na Me Ni Au Hanashi 2 Regret it massively feel like imma b arrested
Because of how cringey the dialogue can be but this is hard to read for even more reasons.
I still enjoy it tho.