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ChrolloLucif January 1, 2021 2:22 pm

Because of how cringey the dialogue can be but this is hard to read for even more reasons.
I still enjoy it tho.

ChrolloLucif December 31, 2020 4:16 am

Of course he fucking knows. Candy can’t act for shit and everything about him screams suspicious!

ChrolloLucif's questions ( All 4 )

ChrolloLucif December 27, 2020 2:17 pm

TOXIC FATHERs. I’d prefer action plots to shoujo ones but either one is ok. For my daddy issues uwu~~

ChrolloLucif July 17, 2020 2:38 am

Mc’s older brother committed suicide so he goes to his boarding school to investigate why. His brother was part of a club? And there are loads of gays there. Also it’s a yaoi or shounenai can’t remember

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Photo from [❔] HOW TO 08-20 00:54
Photo from Moments that kill me 02-01 11:29

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ChrolloLucif May 27, 2020 9:30 pm

Omg just read Chibikko Ga Kawaisou Na Me Ni Au Hanashi 2

Regret it massively feel like imma b arrested

He he
> 2 people followed ChrolloLucif