patata69 June 8, 2020 2:50 pm

I really dont want a rival ╥﹏╥

patata69 June 6, 2020 11:16 am

I happy

patata69 May 31, 2020 9:21 pm

Natsuo and the doc give me life

patata69 May 31, 2020 12:11 am

They played me.

patata69 May 25, 2020 8:52 pm

poor Hana doesnt deserve this treatment he is so precious! ╥﹏╥

patata69 May 23, 2020 12:54 pm

Yas MD my boi take your revenge honey

    Anonymous May 23, 2020 12:56 pm

    how is this even revenge???? ffs this is striaght up petty and abusive due to just how manipulative hes being like for fuck sake chanwoo was very very clear about how he felt

    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 1:00 pm
    how is this even revenge???? ffs this is striaght up petty and abusive due to just how manipulative hes being like for fuck sake chanwoo was very very clear about how he felt Anonymous

    People are scary. How in the hell is Changwoo in the wrong? Geez!

    People are so toxic and abusive. Hope this behaviour stays on the Internet!

    patata69 May 23, 2020 1:02 pm
    how is this even revenge???? ffs this is striaght up petty and abusive due to just how manipulative hes being like for fuck sake chanwoo was very very clear about how he felt Anonymous

    I'm sorry, how is he now abusive? They have done worse than that! He also told him that he is free to leave if he is not okay with it.
    Chanwoo asked him to meet his new guy even after he confessed, and days of them not talking!he is the one that didnt think of his feelings in the first place....

    patata69 May 23, 2020 1:06 pm
    People are scary. How in the hell is Changwoo in the wrong? Geez!People are so toxic and abusive. Hope this behaviour stays on the Internet! YaoiLover24

    I mean, maybe I am too much but I still think what chanwoo did is fucked up, dont justify only one of them. Would you be okay with how MD was treated?

    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 1:14 pm
    I mean, maybe I am too much but I still think what chanwoo did is fucked up, dont justify only one of them. Would you be okay with how MD was treated? patata69

    I wrote such a beautiful comment but it didn't go through, I won't be writing it again. Ugh! What a shame.

    All in all MD is in the wrong. He wasn't ambushed, he had a choice. He is now using that choice to hurt Changwoo to win him over.

    He is no different than his previous partners who hurt him. He is doing the exact same thing. Changwoo was clear about his intentions since the beginning. MD is being a child who can't handle rejection and is using their play as a cover to be spiteful and get revenge.

    P.S love your nickname. In case you are not Greek it means potato hahah

    patata69 May 23, 2020 1:19 pm
    I wrote such a beautiful comment but it didn't go through, I won't be writing it again. Ugh! What a shame.All in all MD is in the wrong. He wasn't ambushed, he had a choice. He is now using that choice to hurt ... YaoiLover24

    I am greek, r u also?
    Okay, yes, MD is petty I'll give him that. And okay maybe he did go to far.... but he also told chanwoo that he is free to leave If he wants to! I dont want to justify MDs pettiness, maybe later on he will also apologize, but I dont think chanwoo is on the right either! I'm sorry ~

    juuulya May 23, 2020 1:22 pm
    I'm sorry, how is he now abusive? They have done worse than that! He also told him that he is free to leave if he is not okay with it.Chanwoo asked him to meet his new guy even after he confessed, and days of t... patata69

    “Oh, he punched you? Didn’t he kick you in the stomach last time? Be thankful he only punched you this time.”

    Koro~sensei May 23, 2020 1:24 pm
    I wrote such a beautiful comment but it didn't go through, I won't be writing it again. Ugh! What a shame.All in all MD is in the wrong. He wasn't ambushed, he had a choice. He is now using that choice to hurt ... YaoiLover24

    I get that but chanwoo needs to grow up and walk away from this he needs to leave. It's not worth the pain and stuff

    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 1:25 pm
    I am greek, r u also? Okay, yes, MD is petty I'll give him that. And okay maybe he did go to far.... but he also told chanwoo that he is free to leave If he wants to! I dont want to justify MDs pettiness, maybe... patata69

    Hello fellow Greek yaoi lover, τι κάνεις;; Πάντα μου φαίνεται περίεργο να βρίσκω συμπατριώτες εδώ χαχαχ

    They are both in the wrong for sure but MD is taking it too far. He is just being mean while using their play as a cover.

    I'll wait to see how it plays out but I don't like it.

    patata69 May 23, 2020 1:26 pm
    “Oh, he punched you? Didn’t he kick you in the stomach last time? Be thankful he only punched you this time.” juuulya

    Yikes. Noone said that, dont make it look like I am okay with abusers! I mean it's a play man, A PLAY. Noone is excusing abuse,dont go that far. Also he asked him to leave TWICE. as someone else said maybe chanwoo really needs to leave and start loving himself....

    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 1:27 pm
    “Oh, he punched you? Didn’t he kick you in the stomach last time? Be thankful he only punched you this time.” juuulya

    Such a weird way of thinking, right? There is no excuse to abuse someone. This is clearly no longer a play, MD has crossed the line.

    juuulya May 23, 2020 1:30 pm
    Yikes. Noone said that, dont make it look like I am okay with abusers! I mean it's a play man, A PLAY. Noone is excusing abuse,dont go that far. Also he asked him to leave TWICE. as someone else said maybe chan... patata69

    And yet here you are, excusing abuse lol this is not consensual and is not bdsm. MD knows Chanwoo is emotionally unstable and traumatized, and continues to force him into play by threatening him with a break up.

    juuulya May 23, 2020 1:31 pm
    Such a weird way of thinking, right? There is no excuse to abuse someone. This is clearly no longer a play, MD has crossed the line. YaoiLover24


    patata69 May 23, 2020 1:33 pm
    Hello fellow Greek yaoi lover, τι κάνεις;; Πάντα μου φαίνεται περίεργο να βρίσκω συμπατριώτες εδώ χαχαχThey are both in the wrong for sure but MD is t... YaoiLover24

    Και σε εμένα το ίδιο! Κανένας κοντινός μου δεν ξέρει ότι διαβάζω yaoi οπότε το να μιλάω με κάποιον στα ελληνικά για αυτό είναι πολύ περίεργο
    As far as the story goes what alex did a long time ago, for me, it's a LOT worst (when he was jealous of MD and forced Dong-gyun with the dildo) rn MD is asking chanwoo for a play (yes he has ulterior moves noone denied that) but he at least asked him if HE wanted to participate. He is not being abusive and especially not like the other scumbags chanwoo dated in the past!

    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 1:35 pm
    And yet here you are, excusing abuse lol this is not consensual and is not bdsm. MD knows Chanwoo is emotionally unstable and traumatized, and continues to force him into play by threatening him with a break up... juuulya

    I agree with you but I don't think @patata69 meant that they side with abusers.

    I feel like some people cannot differentiate play for real life because they like the manga too much and they are attached to both characters. They just want things to work out.

    In my humble opinion at this point this is no longer a BDSM play, MD has crossed the line and should apologize profusely even though I won't be able to forget his behaviour.

    I think he is in the wrong!

    patata69 May 23, 2020 1:35 pm
    And yet here you are, excusing abuse lol this is not consensual and is not bdsm. MD knows Chanwoo is emotionally unstable and traumatized, and continues to force him into play by threatening him with a break up... juuulya

    Wait wait.... what break up? They didnt even date

    Koro~sensei May 23, 2020 1:36 pm
    And yet here you are, excusing abuse lol this is not consensual and is not bdsm. MD knows Chanwoo is emotionally unstable and traumatized, and continues to force him into play by threatening him with a break up... juuulya

    HE NEEDS TO LEAVE. Like honestly maybe MD shouldn't have hit him but come on u act as though this isn't a situation where he can leave. He had MULTIPLE times where he could walk away from it all but he didn't he stayed over and over and over again

    juuulya May 23, 2020 1:37 pm
    Wait wait.... what break up? They didnt even date patata69

    Breaking up their casual and former bdsm relationship. Trying to nitpick, huh?

    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 1:39 pm
    Και σε εμένα το ίδιο! Κανένας κοντινός μου δεν ξέρει ότι διαβάζω yaoi οπότε το να μιλάω με κάποιον στα ελληνικά για αυ�... patata69

    Συμφωνώ! Ευτυχώς εγώ έμπλεξα την κολλητή μου σε όλο αυτό και τα σχολιάζω μαζί της χαχαχαχ.

    Regarding the story, the fact that what Alex did was wrong doesn't excuse MD's actions. They were both wrong.

    MD is manipulating Changwoo in order to submit to him so he can get what he wants. He is deliberately putting him in a sticky situation that he can't get out of.

    MD knows that Changwoo was abused physically in the past and he doesn't know his worth. He is using his weakness to gain his affection.

    That's wrong, toxic and abusive.

    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 1:40 pm
    Wait wait.... what break up? They didnt even date patata69

    They mean a BDSM break up. MD knows that Changwoo wants to continue their professional relationship so he is taking advantage of that.

    juuulya May 23, 2020 1:40 pm
    HE NEEDS TO LEAVE. Like honestly maybe MD shouldn't have hit him but come on u act as though this isn't a situation where he can leave. He had MULTIPLE times where he could walk away from it all but he didn't h... Koro~sensei

    I literally JUST said he’s traumatized. Traumatized people can’t just “walk away”, and he’s proven that before when MD actually almost killed him.

    Almost kind of sounds like “If he’s hitting you, why don’t you just leave him?”

    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 1:41 pm
    HE NEEDS TO LEAVE. Like honestly maybe MD shouldn't have hit him but come on u act as though this isn't a situation where he can leave. He had MULTIPLE times where he could walk away from it all but he didn't h... Koro~sensei

    He was abused by his previous partners, he is weak and doesn't know his worth. Of course he won't say no and leave. He is used to being treated like shut.

    MD is using that to get to him. That's wrong.

    patata69 May 23, 2020 1:43 pm
    Breaking up their casual and former bdsm relationship. Trying to nitpick, huh? juuulya

    No I am not, i am just saying.... (also I feel like you are very mad, this is just a conversation, correct me if I am wrong)
    Am I excusing MD? Yes maybe I am. Maybe he crossed the line. But I think chanwoo did as well! Imagine being rejected by someone and then having him call you to meet his new boo

    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 1:43 pm
    I literally JUST said he’s traumatized. Traumatized people can’t just “walk away”, and he’s proven that before when MD actually almost killed him. Almost kind of sounds like “If he’s hitting you, ... juuulya

    Exactly. People who are used to being treated like trash can't just walk away. MD knows that but he continues to push him and all that to gain his affection.

    So toxic.

    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 1:46 pm
    No I am not, i am just saying.... (also I feel like you are very mad, this is just a conversation, correct me if I am wrong)Am I excusing MD? Yes maybe I am. Maybe he crossed the line. But I think chanwoo did a... patata69

    Babes, they both agreed to continue their BDSM relationship even after the rejection.

    Changwoo is not wrong for asking MD's opinion on his new romantic endeavours. That's how it works. He needs to know if he is OK to continue. MD could have ended it there, why try to manipulate him?

    He literally let MD know he would meet someone. Come on now.

    I liked MD too up to a few chapters back but he is not treating anyone right, right now. He should stop and apologize to both subs.

    patata69 May 23, 2020 1:47 pm
    Συμφωνώ! Ευτυχώς εγώ έμπλεξα την κολλητή μου σε όλο αυτό και τα σχολιάζω μαζί της χαχαχαχ.Regarding the story, the fact that what Alex di... YaoiLover24

    Είσαι τυχερή εγώ εξαρχής "μπλεχτηκα" από μια φίλη που γνώρισα μέσω tumblr από το εξωτερικό! Πιστεύω αν οι φίλοι μου ήξεραν ότι διαβάζω yaoi Θα με κοίταζαν περίεργα... δε το μετανιώνω βέβαια

    I think MD is just being emotional (just as alex was) he is not trying to be manipulative. If I'm wrong I'll make a new comment apologizing to chanwoo in the next update

    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 1:53 pm
    Είσαι τυχερή εγώ εξαρχής "μπλεχτηκα" από μια φίλη που γνώρισα μέσω tumblr από το εξωτερικό! Πιστεύω αν οι φίλοι μου ήξε... patata69

    no ragrets που λέμε χαχαχα

    I think he is being manipulative cause he knows Changwoo's past and weakness. He is trying to take advantage of that.

    Anyways I agree let's see what happens in the next update

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Koro~sensei May 23, 2020 1:55 pm
    Breaking up their casual and former bdsm relationship. Trying to nitpick, huh? juuulya

    Not nitpicking just saying the facts. If what MD did was so bad I think u saying he should still be in that relationship is worse #sorrynotsorry

    juuulya May 23, 2020 3:40 pm
    Not nitpicking just saying the facts. If what MD did was so bad I think u saying he should still be in that relationship is worse #sorrynotsorry Koro~sensei

    Um, yes?... no?... I read this, like, 6 times over and still I literally have no idea what you’re trying to say

    juuulya May 23, 2020 3:47 pm
    No I am not, i am just saying.... (also I feel like you are very mad, this is just a conversation, correct me if I am wrong)Am I excusing MD? Yes maybe I am. Maybe he crossed the line. But I think chanwoo did a... patata69

    “Oh, so you think you can just go and meet other guys behind my back? You’re such a slut, no wonder nobody loves you.”

    Their relationship was always casual. They’ve said this multiple times, MD has no claim over chanwoo other than during their play. They’re not dating, and they’re not in love. Multiple times. This chapter was literally just MD shaming Chanwoo for meeting (what seemed to be) a nice guy who he clearly really liked; ONLY because Chanwoo didn’t like him back. He was being childish, and this is not bdsm anymore. It’s abuse. Period.

    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 3:47 pm
    Um, yes?... no?... I read this, like, 6 times over and still I literally have no idea what you’re trying to say juuulya

    Random but I live for your icon

    juuulya May 23, 2020 3:49 pm
    Random but I live for your icon YaoiLover24


    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 4:01 pm
    やらないか juuulya

    Don't? Like I shouldn't live? #confused hahahah

    juuulya May 23, 2020 4:06 pm
    Don't? Like I shouldn't live? #confused hahahah YaoiLover24

    No no that’s the name of the meme lmao it mean “shall we?” as in, “let’s do it”. But The face is funny both in and out of context lmao

    YaoiLover24 May 23, 2020 4:07 pm
    No no that’s the name of the meme lmao it mean “shall we?” as in, “let’s do it”. But The face is funny both in and out of context lmao juuulya

    Haha ok cool, I was so confused for a second. Thanks for clarifying x

    Anonymous May 24, 2020 10:01 am
    People are scary. How in the hell is Changwoo in the wrong? Geez!People are so toxic and abusive. Hope this behaviour stays on the Internet! YaoiLover24

    ikr its horrifying reading the comments, mean ffs hes preshuring chanwoo going well if u dont do as i say ima fuck this dude. which is petty as fuuuuuuuuckkkk like come on i get it he was rejected but if he couldnt do that shiz anymore with chanwoo he shoulda said so instead of being petty

    Anonymous May 24, 2020 10:02 am
    HE NEEDS TO LEAVE. Like honestly maybe MD shouldn't have hit him but come on u act as though this isn't a situation where he can leave. He had MULTIPLE times where he could walk away from it all but he didn't h... Koro~sensei

    he was basicly emoshanly hostage at that point mean ffs he was like welp u can leave buutt well ima fuck dis dude instead then which is like petty much

    YaoiLover24 May 24, 2020 10:24 am
    he was basicly emoshanly hostage at that point mean ffs he was like welp u can leave buutt well ima fuck dis dude instead then which is like petty much Anonymous

    I agree.

    Some people are admitting that they are slutshaming. They believe he should be teached a lesson via abuse.

    So gross!

    YaoiLover24 May 24, 2020 10:26 am
    I agree. Some people are admitting that they are slutshaming. They believe he should be teached a lesson via abuse.So gross! YaoiLover24

    ** taught **

    Jane May 24, 2020 10:45 am
    Yikes. Noone said that, dont make it look like I am okay with abusers! I mean it's a play man, A PLAY. Noone is excusing abuse,dont go that far. Also he asked him to leave TWICE. as someone else said maybe chan... patata69

    I don’t think you quite understand bdsm plays. Both parties are to feel good and must consent to everything going on with a safe word. Chanwoo did NOT consent to get slapped, choked, or to make out wihh th anyone other than MD during their play. Understand that Chanwoo is an abuse victim. If leaving were so easy, many victims would have left their abusers, but that’s not how abuse works.

    Anonymous May 24, 2020 5:54 pm
    ** taught ** YaoiLover24

    it just gose to show most people arnt emoshanly mature and dont actually know what a healthy relationship looks like, or when someone needs to stop

    YaoiLover24 May 24, 2020 6:05 pm
    I don’t think you quite understand bdsm plays. Both parties are to feel good and must consent to everything going on with a safe word. Chanwoo did NOT consent to get slapped, choked, or to make out wihh th an... Jane

    kei May 24, 2020 6:09 pm
    Yikes. Noone said that, dont make it look like I am okay with abusers! I mean it's a play man, A PLAY. Noone is excusing abuse,dont go that far. Also he asked him to leave TWICE. as someone else said maybe chan... patata69

    it's emotional abuse. MD knows chanwoo won't say no. if you pay attention, it's implied that chanwoo is a push over and doesn't know his own limitations. MD is taking his personal feelings out on chanwoo.

    after chanwoo rejected him, MD purposely tried to hurt chanwoo to make him say the safeword. forcing your partner to say the safeword is NOT okay. in what situation do you want to overwhelm your partner so much that you want them to have to signal you to stop the scene?

    it's manipulative for MD to make chanwoo choose between being abandoned or "competing" to be his sub, when MD himself Wants chanwoo. chanwoo doesn't want to be alone, and yes, that's not the best trait he has but that doesn't give MD the right to use that to his advantage.

    that's how this is abusive.

    Anonymous May 24, 2020 6:10 pm
    I don’t think you quite understand bdsm plays. Both parties are to feel good and must consent to everything going on with a safe word. Chanwoo did NOT consent to get slapped, choked, or to make out wihh th an... Jane

    omfg about time someone got it T^T u are so fricking right like hollyy feck

    YaoiLover24 May 24, 2020 7:00 pm
    it's emotional abuse. MD knows chanwoo won't say no. if you pay attention, it's implied that chanwoo is a push over and doesn't know his own limitations. MD is taking his personal feelings out on chanwoo. after... kei

    This is so simple to understand, I don't know how people don't get it
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

patata69 May 19, 2020 7:22 am

Honestly I think Cole needs therapy! To put a gun on someones head accusing them for cheating and then to cheat on your own... I think alex is too good for him the way he is now!

patata69 May 16, 2020 10:11 pm

They are both so cute, and I'm single

patata69 May 8, 2020 11:21 am

I see hiatus,I cry.

    rr.ei May 10, 2020 12:16 am

    it’s going on hiatus!?!?

    patata69 May 10, 2020 12:49 pm
    it’s going on hiatus!?!? rr.ei

    Last page (translator notes) ends with "but before that, hiatus after the next chapter"

patata69 May 5, 2020 7:51 pm

(sorry miura I might cheat)

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