Yes, I kinda annoyed with Psyche's personality at first because she remind me of certain trash...
BUT...I like her character development! She "was" dumb because, yeah she's "Idealistic". But she matured and realized a lot of things. The "reality" , she still have hard time to accept but she's trying so hard. Give her a chance and time. However our Medea is just different. They both suffered in their childhood and have a trauma but it's totally different. Medea's life is full of bloodshed, violence, abuse and neglects.
I fully support our girls. I fkin hate the Crown Prince. HELIO! He's so precious...
Iol I can't believe the facts that I was going to simp for Dekis but he's married and have kids. So it's okay, he have a rough childhood too. Because of that damn father of them. F*k , lest just let him be happy. But I'm glad he still choose to protect/assist or whatever his concern with Medea.
If there is a end game for "ship" like typical romance manhwa...
Let's see... Medea x Helio (Big Yes, Of Course!)
Hmm.. Psyche.. x Fell? But they don't have interaction yet. But it's not a bad pairing.
The Crown Prince can just eat shit and die.

This is the most epic manhwa I ever read. The emotions! I regretted I didn't read this masterpiece sooner!
(this is nothing to do with the story)
I just kinda annoyed that their names keep changing.
I still prefer Belial,Polly and Travium.
I think Solon, Callista and Niccolo really doesn't suit them. Who the hell is Niccolo? Yes, that was my reaction when I see it.
However, I guess we don't have that right to complain because we are reading this for free.
Thanks for the translator's team!
No no no! what happened to them??? Did they fight???