Keijike created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

screaming crying at how cute this is

Keijike created a topic of Jinx

jaekyung really said ‘why i oughta!’ that’s so fucking funny

Keijike created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Yeah fuck that guy up! Tea bag him! Spit on him!

Keijike created a topic of The Boy And The Wolf

Don’t let this distract you from the fact that the boy still doesn’t have a name!!!!!

Keijike created a topic of Jinx

ig the redemption arc hasn't started yet

Keijike created a topic of Gig of the Day
Keijike created a topic of 19 Days
Keijike created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment
Keijike created a topic of Shitsuren Junky

Brain dead. Both of them. These stupid bitches are perfect for each other

Keijike created a topic of Mercenary Enrollment

Them being so serious about it and treating it as a high level mission is soooo cute

Keijike followed question about hottest male character

Who do you consider are the hottest seme and alpha characters out there?

23 02,2024
Keijike answered question about being black sheep of mggo
This reads as satire but I know it’s not
Keijike answered question about being black sheep of mggo
you have a serious issue if this is genuinely the best thing you could think of to entertain yourself. go learn something, or make something, why the fuck are you spending your time trying to tear other people down? there’s enough hate in the world, why would you add more to it just because you’re salty that someone else’s opinion has a wider......
Keijike created a topic of Payback

Awh, he shouldn’t have done that :( he was just trying to help, probably in the only way he knows how but oof. Honestly my heart dropped for the seme, he was so happy that his work was being recognised but then to find out it was bc of money? I’d be devastated

Keijike created a topic of Off Track
Keijike answered question about question
I dread opening any upload from Icarus. My partner and I have spoken many times about how uncomfortable the credit pages make us. Jujucat is a sensible and mature person that knows their shit. Simple. Icarus shoves pedo bnha and overly sexual helluva boss (which is a shallow, unsubstantial, unfunny piece of media from what I’ve heard about it) ......
Keijike created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung: *exists in all his toxic glory*
Dan: *is having an awful fucking time* :o he’s so generous and has it so hard :c poor Mr joo