dude sometimes i miss when people couldn’t comment because in every manga/manwha i read there’s always negative ass comments like you read it you chose to read it and now you wanna complain like ??? you’re reading pirated comics you’re illegally reading these and wanna complain like come on man stop complaining over a manga you CHOSE to read, yea i get this manwha is a shitty toxic ass one but damn you chose to read it
it’s been brought to my attention by a few people but if you guys “didn’t” know what you were going to get into there’s no excuse for that. not only did you have the cover to warn you but you had the first chapter (maybe even second), tags, topics, albums, summary (even though some stories don’t have them you have plenty other content to watch out for), and comments. these comments and topics are written by people who have READ the story and have given there opinion and most of the time they will either say if it is TOXIC or not and will put describing words into the sentence or listing of their comments/topic. there’s no excuse really

right and there's a reason that the manhwas that become famous tend to have dark themes/toxic dynamic. it's what people want to read they just dont want to admit that to themselves. always wanna have the moral high ground towards lines on papers. why do they think writers and artists keep making the same shit? and the audacity to cry in the comments as if they're paying for it bitch you're reading it for free move

i’m completely fine with people having opinions but it’s the fact that most of the time people find manga/manwha from edits on instagram or tiktok and the comments will clearly say that it’s a toxic bl or something and then even after it they’ll complain or even if they don’t see the suggestions and read it from finding it on a whim it’s just the way they give out their opinions they don’t have to go and say ‘this manwha/manga is shitty asf’ or something they could easily go ‘in my opinion (or whatever) this manga/manwha was pretty bad’ and i know people have different ways of voicing their opinions it’s just the fact that all of them are super fucking nasty or vulgar and have no reason to be that way

And it funny too since there are TAGS and DESCRIPTIONS and SUMMARIES from those who HAD viewed the materials FOR you. But then you dumb enough to go in and complain about it afterwards. I think they wanted to be on board so bad they have to read some thing so ass just to complain about it. And when their attitude gets criticized they get OFFENDED. (︶︿︶)=凸

exactly like as soon as you read chapter 1 maybe even 2 you know it’s going to be a fucked up story even the bookmarks and comments on the title page like most of them have flashy emotes on them that catch your attention so you read them i believe on this one it says something like
(● ̄(エ) ̄●)Waiting for more chapters.
Bookmark for now(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
this is literally the second topic/comment on that page which is RIGHT under the albums and chapter list it’s right there in perfect viewing like????? what all words does it say in there honey AND IN CAPS TOO

exactly if you don’t know what you’re getting into TAGS and the cover even gives you a general idea of what’s going to go on even if the story doesn’t have a summary (which some of them do and some don’t) the cover, first chapter, tags, summary, topics, comments, and albums on the first page will summarize the book so there’s no room for complaining you had plenty of time to get ready for the story plenty of content to give you a general idea of what the story is about and they still find ways to complain and MOST STORIES will have the MATURE tag meaning this story’s gonna be a bit fucked up

Idk for other people but I read this cuz it's the same author as the pawn's revenge, when I read smth new I don't check the tags cuz I want to be surprised but rn I'm speaking for ME.
Now even if I knew what I was getting into I still have the right to complain, people will read a book with 500+ chapters from the beginning to the end and still make reviews about how much they hated it. The whole "don't read if you don't like" is so dumb, I will never understand why y'all get so pressed abt it

saying the ‘don’t read if you don’t like it is dumb’ it’s like saying dont eat it because your allergic is dumb. i personally wouldn’t want to read a book that i don’t like and if i don’t like it after i’ve read a chapter or two ill quit reading it, and not only do they have the tags to watch out for they have the summary which gives them in word form the summary of the story. most people read the summary of a book

what's dumb is deliberately reading something you dislike and then crying in the comments about how shitty it was because it contains issues/concepts that dont fit your taste. why put yourself through that? i would however understand the complaints if the readers PAID for the story because ofc you deserve compensation that reflects the quality of the story you paid for. but no, we are all illegal readers this is an illegal site where people voluntarily translate/upload stories for FREE

Filling the ENTIRE comments section(s) with "omg, this story is so trash/Seme is so toxic/I hope he dies" etc. ISN'T CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM or feedback or an ACTUAL "review". It is JUST SEEN as COMPLAINING!!! And for THIS PARTICULAR comic, IF you've come here from The Pawn's Revenge, you already knew how fucked up their story COULD be. And no, NOT reading the tags and summaries, is being irresponsible. It's not like it's NON-EXISTENT!!! YOU HAD CHOSEN TO NOT READ IT BECAUSE YOU HAD WANTED TO BE SURPRISED. SO SURPRISE!!!

AND EVEN IF the summary in the summary section had NOT been filled out by the uploader, there are PLENTY of other readers who have read the story or had gotten the summary from another source (an MTL'd raws or the descriptiom from the official translations) and had LAID it ALL OUT there FOR you, then it's ALL ON YOU!!! COMPLAINING about a STORY BECAUSE YOU CHOOSE TO IGNORE THE SIGNS IS NOT OUR PROBLEM. BUT YOURS!!! IN THE DISTANT PAST, WHEN "BOOKS" WERE A THING!!! AND PEOPLE HAD TO GO THE LIBRARY!!! OR A BOOKSTORE!!! OR A FRIEND'S OR RELATIVE'S HOUSE OR SCHOOL OR WHEREVER YOU ALL HANGED, WHAT YOU "WOULD HAVE DONE" AS A NORMAL HUMAN BEAN, IS TO READ THE COVER, THE SUMMARY IN THE BACK, AND ANY INTRO, OR REVIEWS (IF AVAILABLE), EVEN IF THERE WERE NO FEEDBACK FROM (A LIVE SOURCE: IN PERSON, OVER THE PHONE, THROUGH (SNAIL) MAIL) ANYONE in your IMMEDIATE VICINITY!!! It's a TYPICAL thing ppl Do!!! What is the POINT of a summary and cover page and reviews for if you're not going to read it?!? Are you gonna pick up a random book and just goes, oh, this is romance fantasy, and this is my cup of tea, but then don't even read the summary to find out if it's the type of romance fantasy you wanted to read?!? Now with the information age, even if you don't have real life friends or relatives who have read these things and sum up the story for you or give you a heads-up, there are PLENTY of spoilers. I GET that there is the THRILL of NOT reading the "TAGS" - WHICH WEREN'T even a THING BACK IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS -, OR THE SUMMARIES, AND OTHER PPL'S COMMENTS/DESCRIPTION OF THE STORY IN THE COMMENTS SECTION. BUT IF YOU HAD CHOSEN TO DO SO, LIKE closing your eyes and stepping on a ride that you don't know how it operates, then you LITERALLY DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO COMPLAIN. Cuz you had CHOSEN to go into it BLIND. This would be the ONE TIME you would have said to yourself (to yourself) oh well, that was UNEXPECTED. I mean, what DID you EXPECT?!? The EXPECTED?!? GOING INTO IT BLINDLY AND WILLINGLY AND THEN DEFENDING THE "oh, I didn't read this so I didn't know WHAT I was getting into" is such a LAME-ASS EXCUSE!!! And for those WHO HAVE READ the Fucking TAGS AND SUMMARIES AND the COMMENTS prior DIVING into the MATERIAL already KNEW WHAT they WERE getting INTO. Morbid CURIOSITY KILLS THE CAT. Unless, maybe it's their first time being exposed to such things. But still, you and they are just WHINING about it. Adults don't DO this!!! This just SIMPLY INSANE!!! It's like you soiled your diapers and then sit there CRYING about it. Instead of just getting up and clean yourself up you just sit there in YOUR OWN POO and CRYING about it. The sickening IMMATURITY OF READERS SUCH AS YOURSELF IS MAKING IT HARD for the REST of us to enjoy ourselves. When LITERALLY, that is what this piece of work is ALL ABOUT. QUIT YAPPING AND READ IT AND ENJOY YOURSELF!!! IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE T*X*CITY THEN DON'T READ IT!!! SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!

"Don't eat bc you're allergic is dumb" is such a bad comparaison to my statement, if I'm allergic to smth of I won't eat it because I CAN'T but I can hate a book and still read it and still leave bad comments. IT'S CALLED HAVING OPINIONS. If people can leave positive reviews we can leave negative reviews as well and you shouldn't be so bothered abt it.
Yall are so weird for getting so mad over people leaving bad reviews on things just enjoy ur stuff and move on

Bitch I read this when chapter 1 dropped leave me aloneand as I've already stated I have every right to know how shitty it will be before I get into it, still reading it AND leave bad comments. We read good stories and comment abt how good they are, we read bad stories and comment abt how bad they are. That simple. If you can't handle ppl having opinions don't read comments it's that easy

Somehow you take the "right to comment" to constitute "just complaining and whining". What joy is there for readers if others are only complaining?!? What?!? Are you 12?!? Even if you were young, there are young or underage readers even mature enough to make constructive commentaries. And if there ARE adults who read this shit AND STILL complains, then I guess they're STILL in the milk-sucking phase as well.

Yeah. But if you're gonna read dark story then why are you complaining about it?!?
Somehow you take the "right to comment" to constitute "just complaining and whining". What joy is there for readers if others are only complaining?!? What?!? Are you 12?!? Even if you were young, there are young or underage readers even mature enough to make constructive commentaries. And if there ARE adults who read this shit AND STILL complains, then I guess they're STILL in the milk-sucking phase as well. Your complaining is JUST ANNOYING and making the experience unenjoyable. It's like a bunch of babies flapping about and crying cuz they can't find their mommies. Booohooohoo. Hilarious!! And STILL trying to justify your complaints. The very word complaint is by definition "to be annoyed". So those who are complaining "is being annoying". It's not dumb to tell someone to not read dark materials if they don't like it. It's common sense to tell someone not to step into poo. But if stepping in poo and not liking it and complaining about it when you've been warned is like??? The definition of dumb?!? Stop wrapping yourself in shit and complaining about the shit that YOU LITERALLY put YOURSELF through. Nobody had forced you into reading it. So you LITERALLY have NO RIGHT to complain.

We read comments same as you. But if the inbox is filled with junk. I'm sure you wouldn't like it either. But if you're part of that junk then you wouldn't have viewed yourself as junk. And if you did, you would have done something about it. And this JUNK constitutes 90% of the thread COMPLAINING about the content, when the constituents ALREADY KNOW what the content will BE LIKE. If you choose to sit in a car wreck willingly, then WHY are you complaining about it?!?

you can leave negative comments in a positive or neutral way you don’t have to say “the hells wrong with this author are they fucked in the head or something i hope they regret making this trashy story”
you could say “dude this story was crazy (in a bad way)” or say “ngl i wouldn’t read this book again but that’s just me”
yes you can hate a book but silently you wouldn’t like it if someone talked trash about something you worked hard on would you? sure you can leave bad comments but that’s straight up insulting the author it’s like when someone insults you, you don’t like it do you?

we aren’t throwing a fit and if you say giving your own opinion about how people complaining over a book they willingly chose to read is childish then you need to grow up this comment and along with the get over it is childish you only said that after both sides gave valid points although i hate to admit it both sides still had valid points. even though you say “we’re throwing a fit” over a story we didn’t write so what? i’d be the same way if i wrote a story and someone complained about it after willingly reading it sure there are such things as constructive criticism but there is absolutely no constructive criticism in any of these comments. how would you feel if you worked hard on something and then someone just decides to shit on it after they chose to look/read it. me personally i wouldn’t settle for it

we aren’t because you keep proving yourself wrong really you basically said you wanted to be surprised about the story but then you back tracked and said i only came here because it’s the same author as the pawns revenge so point take you knew exactly what you were getting into so you can’t really say you didn’t know what you were getting into because 1 all the hype these days is toxic manwhas everyone loves them now 2 you read pawns revenge and you knew this story would be equally as messed up as pawns revenge 3 the albums 4 you said you’ve read since chapter one was out… so did i from chapter one i knew that it was going to be messed up and i chose to read it. besides there’s such things as silent readers

so everybody should just assume the author is reading the comments on the pirated uploads of their work? lmfao it’s really not that deep and nobody owes anybody constructive criticism in their comments. literally just grow up and get over it or it’s going to bother you forever bc i promise people are not going to change.

you think i don’t know that? and so what if the author isn’t reading comments on a pirated website you should still give them respect it’s like talking bad behind someone’s back it’s not cool. i’m not saying people should give constructive criticism i’m saying don’t shit talk on a book you chose to read

…. you guys are trying to justify leaving negative comments and complaining on a free, illegal, toxic manwha after you knew what it was about you willingly read it, you knew it was going to be toxic and you wanna justify it hating it? that’s quite literally what you guys are arguing about. justifying hate is what you guys are basically trying to do

and some manwhas that aren’t toxic people will complain about to because the art style didn’t fit them, they didn’t like the story, they don’t like the author. no one is forcing you to read this no one is forcing you to comment hateful words no one is forcing you to do anything if you don’t like the manga/ manwha don’t read it click off of it, close the book do whatever it is to get it out of your sight if you don’t like it it’s simple as a few steps around 2-3 basically. but no you want to give people a piece of your mind on how you thought this story was a shitty story in your mind because you know people thrive on toxic energy people love drama so you guys decide to cause the drama (as i’ve said before i’m not saying just you i’m talking about everyone who leaves hateful comments) i’ve been able to see negative comments told in a positive way

guys if you read what steph put it’s a placeholder for the uploads to prevent anyone or bots to upload and give us a situation where the chapters are jumbled up and the translation is f*cked up seph is the uploaded uploading the official translations the most recent one we’ve had up until now is chapter 69 so read the episodes that seph has uploaded

I think the size difference has a meanin for it, the tiny size of uke is meant to portray his innocence and obliviousness and the giant size of the seme just goes to show that he’s a ducked up individual also it goes the same with the eyes his eyes just look so cold and numb and empty it gives off the creepiness whereas the uke’s are like big innocent doe eyes
MY BABY….he looks ambivalent so happy yet so peacefully sad UGH WHY he just needs to be happy bro ╥﹏╥