I’m glad iltak was honest about his feelings and genuinely is trying his best to not lead him on but i seriously don’t wanna imagine how hyunwoo is gonna react next chapter especially considering how in denial he already is about his sexuality, it’s gonna be like a punch to his gut with a reality check

Comments are so disappointing, this is very clearly haradas work and if you’re not comfortable reading something taboo, then don’t. Nobody forced you to read this, nobody forced you to continue either. I miss the good old days where everyone knew the rule “don’t like don’t read”.
Seriously, reading something you clearly disliked and then taking the time to comment and let everyone know you hated it is not the take you’d think it is lol
That aside, I loved this way too much, im glad asaichi eventually came to like yoru in the end, i was really rooting for yoru… I didn’t expect this to be so entertaining, wish there was more chapters!

I wouldn't call it degrading, more like politely scolding lol, that aside my dear mylo had you paid attention you would’ve understood the whole point of what I said was that it’s pointless to come under someone’s work and complain when you can easily leave. You know this is harada, warnings exist. Not to mention as soon as you start reading if you get to the point of the series where you get uncomfortable which clearly many have had no problem voicing, you stop reading! You leave! I seriously don’t understand the point of reading something, knowing what’s to come, and then go straight complaining about it under the work. Could’ve just really moved on with your day yet here we are, now say it with me, don’t like? don’t read!!! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
hope I made it clear for you, sorry for the pharagh again lol

having a whole detailed rape scene just for the trauma to be fixed and moved from super fast like its nothing...
and the whole dynamic of the relationship didnt make sense ether.
shitty top and bottom that is unconditionally in love with him and is "only gay for you" trope...tf? and the homophobia never even gets addressed
i dont understand harada defenders, every time i give her work a chance its always poorly written under the pretext of "dark"
you can like whatever work you want, but people are allowed to criticize it too

It’s totally valid if Harada’s work doesn’t resonate with you or anyone else, you’re free to avoid it. The point is fictional stories doesn’t have to make sense or align with real world logic in this sense with how homophobia or the dynamics are written. Naturally criticism is normal but it’s also okay to recognize that not every story is meant to be taken literally. If it’s not for you, there’s plenty of other works out there with more realistic or real logical dynamics and settings that might suit your tastes better. Leaving shitty comments under someones work who put the time into creating this is just unnecessary, that’s all, but i completely understand your where you’re coming from

its also totally valid to criticize the writing of a story after reading, and you are free to ignore commentary you dont like.
ofc not every story is meant to be taken literally, but nothing about this story suggests that it isnt.
its very straightforward in its narrative, it isnt metaphorical and there is no allegory.
(but even if that was the case that doesnt mean its necessarily free from criticism)
so what was this stories aim? whats the goal here? to be dark? ok, i still dont think the subject matter was handled well.
good and bad writing exists independently of taste, thats something that needs to be recognized.
that said, i dont condone hater comments for the sake of hating, only real criticisms.

Again, the goal of the story was to be dark or unsettling. Its success with its intended audience depends on how well it achieves that goal, not just whether it aligns with your personal expectations. Criticism is valid and normal, but my original comment was aimed at those in the comment section who, despite being fully aware of the author’s style, the warnings, and even the tags, still chose to engage with the work only to express their dissatisfaction in a very rude way. There’s a clear difference between giving valid criticism as you have expressed and just straight up being an asshole about it.
That aside, how you feel about the story is a completely valid and once again, this is aimed at those who purposely do stuff under this work and choose to play the victim. Kind of similar to the whole don’t like don’t read scenario lol

yeah i get that, there are always people under dark stories that just read to complain and they think they are better people for that lol.
also my criticisms of this story have nothing to do with its dark or unsettling themes and goal. I wasn't criticizing the subject matter, i was criticizing the execution.
so i think its success depends more on what the audience is willing to overlook in terms of narrative folly.

This particular work of haradas is something I can come back to reread whenever I’m feeling down, everything about it is so tragic and beautiful I feel so overwhelmed with feelings every time, that aside, as heartbreaking chapter 8 is I’m glad Takashi and Kouki are once again reunited even if it’s through death.. these two make me really happy

Has my prayers finally been answered? Has toono’s stupid idiot self finally been kissed by yacchan? You know I used to pray for a day like this to come, to finally see some action of toono with either yacchan or kashima and now that this small little thing has happened I don’t know how to react… guess I’ll have to wait til next year to get my next crumbs… this won’t be the last of me, I’m not leaving nowhere til I see toono lose that virginity. Mark my words.

The ending left such a distasteful taste in my mouth, after everything haruki went through it’s very obvious he’s suffering so badly to the point he goes back to his abuser but that still doesn’t sit right with me, why does hikaru still get to smile? Be happy? Touch haruki? I can’t put into words on how much I despise hikaru.. other than that, interesting story, terrible ending

Yeah, you’re right. The ending does leave a distasteful taste in the mouth, but at the same time, it is realistic, and perhaps that is the reason. Some people who have gone through so much want a way out, but in the end, they are drawn back to the source of their pain. This is because it is human nature in some way, or maybe it's just a way to cope. While some may say they don’t like it, deep down, they enjoy it, not because they are masochistic, but more because it gives them a sense of feeling something or provides a consistent emotional stability.
Aj is so brave and strong for being able to do this, I just want him to have a happy ending already…