I can't do this anymore. I literally gag and feel disgusting inside everytime I have to watch the emperor and his side whore's porn scenes. Why are you showing me this? I LITERALLY hate them? I've honestly been crying for the last ten chapters and having to scroll past their extremely detailed fucking sex scenes is making me cry even more.

Anyone else just keep scrolling through the last couple chapters? Fuck this guy man.

Holy moly I'm such a simp. Demon guy has me holding my breath every time he's just so dayum fine. Also I feel bad for Cass whenever the FL blushes for another guy. I don't know how he got that right because usually I don't care. Can't wait to see more!

Luminescent_jade created a topic of High Society

You know what? This man could step on me and I'd say thank you.

Jokes aside though, he's such a piece of shit. I wish she'd be more careful around men. I mean it's a little confusing since she purposely made herself ugly on the streets since she clearly knows what men are like and probably also to avoid being sold or something idk. But now she's acting clueless. I do like her but she's a little bit too naive in that area.

Did something happen with the artist or the author or something??? It seems like they rushed it to just wrap it up quickly. Kind of disappointed since I was really looking forward to the rest of this story. If anyone has an idea of what happened please please please let me know.

Who else cried for 16 chapters? Also who tf goes to a woman who just had a miscarriage, flaunts their happiness with their own pregnancy, and then proceeds to in a roundabout way tell her that her ignorance is a sin and I mean basically dump even more trauma on her. I don't care what anyone says, that woman did a really shitty thing there. The male lead clearly doesn't know Annette well, since he keeps thinking about how she changed etc etc and that she can't do this or that, but he's the one who's built up this delusional image of her in his head and refuses to look at who she really is and how she's changing with the world around her. Tbh I don't want her to die but I can't see any way she'll live happily with him or in that country. Honestly at this point I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up having some kind of psychotic break and estranging herself from reality into some happy world where no one can hurt her.

Sooo am I the only one instantly smitten with Jeno Javelin? I mean... dayum. He's way too fine for a dead guy with a sword lodged in his chest. It's only been two panels but I will gladly watch every other character in this series burn for the sake of this man. Gotta love when the artist unintentionally makes me a complete simp for a mostly irrelevant character. And his name sounds like the Ola icecream brand Gino ginelli lol. Just putting this out there for anyone else who might be simping as hard as I am right now, so they know they're not alone. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Yay another romance comic where they tell me everything that's going to happen in the description so I might aswell not read it.

I'm sorry that this ended up being were I dump my frustration, but I am SO sick and tired of romance comics that basically spoil everything about the story in the description, and then proceed to kick off with them already together only to AFTER that shoe how it happened. I'm getting pissed off with this method because it leaves no room for my imagination to work and get giddy and excited and the bit of uncertainty and buildup. Now I already know everything the story's going to be about, and there's so many out there with similar premise that I might aswell not read it. And I'm telling you I literally dropped this the moment I saw the first scene of then together. WTH. WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT TO FIND GOOD ROMANCE COMICS WITH SLOW BURN BUILDUPS THAT DONT BLATANTLY TELL YOU EVERYTHING THATS GONNA HAPPEN.

Everytime marquess constable (it's a weird name) sees the female lead I don't think he knows whether he should be scared as fuck or aroused. Also might just be me but I think Felix looks kind of hot in some panels. In like a pathetic trash kind of way. He's such a stupid piece of shit and I'm loving it.

Omg you had me at her eyebrows. I swear it's so refreshing to see an FL with actual brows instead of a line.

Luminescent_jade created a topic of High Society

Is uh... Is he okay? He just had a literal person fall on him from that height and no injuries??? Nah there's no logic to explain that one away...

Secretary Chen is best boy and NOTHING can change my mind. Low key hope her husband disappears for real so she can live happily ever after with him. And if she doesn't want him, I'll take him. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Luminescent_jade created a topic of Obey Me

Well I don't know how she suddenly got over all that trauma he caused her, but it was a fun read and the ending was sweet. I feel there was a lot of unresolved issues and emotional complications that should have been further worked upon for the story to progress more smoothly, but all in all I enjoyed it.

Luminescent_jade created a topic of Between Seasons

Ahh this poor woman I feel so bad for her. I started reading for smut but now I'm crying bro. ( T﹏T )

ISTG THE WARDEN UGGGGGGHHHHHH. I literally IMPLODED when he ate that strawberry djfhskwkdhfieosjdjejehdhdh. PLZ I FEEL SO BAD FOR HIM HES SO CUTE AND PRETTY

I think I'm gonna drop this. There's not much in the logic department when it comes to the fl's choices. Which isn't a complete game changer for me, but also the brother makes me go "Ew" literally every time. The only character I really like is the blonde guy, and he didn't deserve his trauma being brought up like that especially when she knows everything he's been through and basically manipulated his feelings. Also it was a dumb move in her part because why would you make the person pointing a gun at you hate you? Especially when you're threatening them with your own life. I understand it's for survival and all that but honestly I'm just having a hard time relating to this fl.

Logic has left the chat. I'm dying of second hand embarrassment. Lol. It's pretty entertaining so far though.

I love how there's just some random simping for the ex fiance. I can't blame them, he's so pathetic I could totally picture him as a trash sub being dominated by some chick. It's just hilarious actually.

The female lead is making me rage istg. She's such an entitled little princess. I'm literally just cursing her in my head everytime she's got screen time. I can't believe a character can make me feel this triggered man.