It's giving projecting self insecurities for sure... Our hyung deserves better.... Like why is he called all these names when he is legit innocent as a new calf? Like? He gave you a peck and you proceed to swipe his first kiss then have the audacity , the nerve, to say he is a playa? Really? Oh and let's not forget all those fantasy images and eheon starting all the teasing but somehow managing to get surprised that his constant flirty might just make our hyung crave a bit? I wondered if his crush was dense but turns out he's actively trying to deny all possible clues of the real. His delulu is not his solulu. Gosh. I'm waiting for hyung to confess cause his crush doesn't seem to want to figure it out . Like, come on. The video said something like 'how to get your crush to notice you'.....Did he not read it or he did and just decided to ignore it? Hyung said it was going to be tough but I didn't think it would be this level tough. At this point even if he does confess, will his crush say hurtful things? I don't know. It's annoying because hyung is sincere with his feelings and his crush does not seem to want to acknowledge it, but I'm here for the plot. One day, hyung will be noticed as his true self. ╥﹏╥ <3 its cruel what eheon had to go through, but it's enough , why didn't he stop contact? He was not a great person to you but it doesn't mean other people are the same, it also doesn't mean you should act the same kind of cruel. You didn't like that treatment right eheon? So please don't treat hyung this way ╥﹏╥ and I'm pretty sure most if not all the negative feedback on eheon back then was his ex. It was a bit obvious yet eheon already decide to believe his ex words....so sad a... ┗( T﹏T )┛ anyway, I needed to get that out , now I can wait patiently for story (=・ω・=)