XenaSphere August 11, 2020 1:13 pm

Well I've been reading it 2 months ago. Its about a girl reincarnated in a story and became a priestess, the FL can heal people/monsters by touching their red string or something. Then one day she saved a white haired guy then suddenly their red strings got connected. But she can't cure him because his heart is hidden somewhere else. Btw the guy is like a taker or the souls or something. I hope this summary is right HAHA Itried my best to summarize it upon my memory. Thanks in advance.

    Idrew Amthon August 11, 2020 1:15 pm

    Beware of the Red Thread

    silver000 August 11, 2020 1:17 pm

    I think it's called 'Beware of the red Thread'

    XenaSphere August 11, 2020 1:48 pm

    Thanks! You guys are spot on.. :))

XenaSphere December 24, 2019 12:32 pm

Personally, there's so many things that I wanna redo if I would've given a chance and one of them is studying too hard and forgotten to socialize HAHAHA I maybe have the respect of the people academically but then before I knew it, I was already alone.

This is mostly a reference for the story that I've been making. BTW Merry Christmas!!

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