Title Update Recommend
(Unread) Historical (67) 2024-07-16 0
(Unread) Regression(15) 2024-09-08 0
(Unread) Reincarnation/Villian (190) 2024-09-08 0
(Unread) Shonen Action (200) 2024-03-25 0
(Unread) Shonen Action II(70) 2024-09-08 0
(Unread) Smut (20) 2024-07-05 0
(Unread) Webtoon BL (200) 2024-01-14 0
(Unread) Webtoon BL II(11) 2024-06-13 0
(Unread) Yaoi (172) 2024-08-12 0
(Unread)Modern Romance (83) 2024-08-04 0
9.5+ Must Read List(200) 2021-01-03 0
9.5+ Must Read List 2(25) 2023-10-14 0
Bullying/Fighting List(29) 2021-02-06 0
Gamer/RPG List(67) 2021-02-18 0
Historical List(79) 2021-01-10 0
Isaeki List(114) 2021-04-12 0
Marriage (9) 2021-01-22 0
My 5-Star (Fav) Reads 2(181) 2021-04-24 0
My 5-Star (fav) Reads(200) 2021-01-02 0
Omegaverse (39) 2021-02-18 0
Read The Novel(16) 2024-06-02 0
Revenge Stories (65) 2021-01-28 0
Sad List (68) 2021-02-19 0
Stories with Families/Kids (20) 2021-01-22 0
Straight love (162) 2021-02-18 0
Yaoi List(200) 2021-01-02 0
Yaoi List 2(200) 2021-01-02 0
Yaoi List 3(200) 2021-01-03 0
Yaoi List 4(200) 2021-01-03 0
Yaoi List 5(161) 2023-10-14 0

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