I feel that horror, like jokes, lose a lot when explained. I think the picture posted with the explanation is enough of a clue for people who don't get the horror at first.
Spoiler for first chapter:
For example, the first story. The image with the explanation is a girl with weapons falling out of her backpack. I think that's enough to get you to look back and see she has her hand ready to push that guy in the first panel and slipped, falling on the track. She was the serial "train accident" killer all along.

She must mean she doesn't use any special scented soap, and goes for unscented. Otherwise I can't imagine how weird it must smell, no matter how often she wipes down with water...also I feel the guy about how hard it is to get some jewelry on. It would be funny if he got frustrated and squished the mechanism so she can't get it off again.

Oh no, a love interest, eww. Also, did they just let that child sex slavery ring go?! The bad guys obviously did it before...its that half elf's main business. Just kill them or at least freaking report and detain them! WTF, they will definitely just do it to someone else, right?! And the creepy guy who requested a child is still free too. Author-san you can't introduce child slavery and rape off-hand and without any reprocussion or resolution wtf! Losing interest despite the fluff, very disappointed.

Well I agree with you, but this elf have connections with nobles who ofc have power and don't want their crimes get exposed so it's hard for kirito to just jump straight in and act recklessly especially when he always trying to be lowkey and avoid unnecessary attention all this time. Not to mention he's still new to all common senses in capital, he probably doesn't know human trafficking is common and even if he wanna report him, he needs solid proof yk

I think everyone is right that the gem is a plot piece she recognized. But is there a chance she mad about the present, cuz he said it was a sapphire even though it's green like an emerald? Like he was trying to make her look ignorant and embarrass her? It could just be a translation/author error, though.
Lightning spirit is serving FerKUNTra fr fr