Carmelazation December 31, 2017 9:38 pm

Hey there, I'm asking for manga related to food and cooking as the title suggests! Look forward to the recommendations :D

Carmelazation August 28, 2017 12:33 pm

This may be a stupid question, but I wanted to ask how do you search for other people's lists? Is there a specific page on this site that allows you to do so?

So far I've been trying to find lists of certain types of manga to find new things to read, but I've been unable to find any other lists made by other people.

    mahi-kun August 28, 2017 1:59 pm

    I don't know if there is another way but what I do is when I find a manga that I like on the right of the page before top tags there are lists that include the manga. If you click on more lists you will find a lot. If you click on one of those lists you can also see the other lists made by that person (they are shown on the right of the page).
    Alternatively, if you click any user name you can see on their profiles under the tub lists what they have created.
    Hope I was helpful.
    If there is a better way please share :)

Carmelazation August 4, 2017 8:15 am

Trying to find a manga about a restaurant that is linked between modern day Japan and an RPG-like world. The chef cooks only Japanese foods and the denizens of the RPG world continue to be amazed by these Japanese dishes.

It's called 'Isekai' something, but I haven't been able to find it yet.

Carmelazation July 26, 2017 9:08 am

God damn it. I was reading a manga but lost it admist the 'first lady' redirection chaos Mangago experienced. It's called Zankyou something Kyoushitsu or something. It's a horror/psychological-esque manga. They're shorts/snapshots of the unfortunate fates that middle school girls experience in school.

The art style is very uh... kawaii and old school kind of. It has that Shugo-Chara or Vampire Knight feel I think. Basically those big googly anime eyes, something that would make you think of the old school stuff.

The one instance of one of their many shorts was that a girl got some type of console, started playing a game which greatly paralleled choices she made in real life. If she deleted her save game, everything would be lost: including her life. (spoiler not spoiler)

For example, she chose to stop and look at her surroundings instead of walking forward, and in that instance a younger pre-schooler walked in front of her and was instantly ran over by a truck. She started noticing her in game life bar going down.

Later it was announced that a serial killer was loose near the school, and she chose to stay at school on the console game after a contrived fight with her classmate/friend. But this results in isolating her and making her a perfect target of the serial killer, trapping her within the school. Her life bar on the console was almost completely depleted.

Her last ditch method to survive is to delete her save life and quit the game, in hopes of removing the serial killer trying to kill her in real life and her avatar in game. But she ends up being deleted as well, as per the original warning she received starting the game.

Anyone seen it lately? Would love to keep reading it for the gritty, unorthodox horror.

    LallaLa July 26, 2017 9:15 am

    It wont have a continuation of that one. It is more like a bunch of one shots with one narrator.

    LallaLa July 26, 2017 9:16 am

    I jumped the start and didnt see you called it a short ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Carmelazation July 26, 2017 12:22 pm wont have a continuation of that one. It is more like a bunch of one shots with one narrator. LallaLa

    Thanks so much man! I was having a hard time finding again! <3

Carmelazation April 3, 2017 3:25 am

Basically, it's about a guy who has an older brother that is a doctor and sexually abuses him. This guy is in a basketball club and when he changes, his friend notices the hickeys on him and becomes concerned. And later on the friend sees them in the middle of it when he went to his house to check on him... leading him to f*** him later after they confront.

The older brother who's a doctor started doing this to his little brother because he was under very high expectations to be like his father, wanting him to be a doctor as well. But one day he witnesses his dad doing some questionable BSDM with his mother and he was like: 'I must be like my dad' and started doing that to his brother.

And to differentiate this one from the rest, the most memorable scene I could recall from this was the older brother using an erectile dysfunction curing device on his brother, which he stated was illegal in Japan... which somewhat devolves into pee play. And he also gave him a Prince Albert penis piercing. Yes.

From what I can recall, the name sounds something like... Love Triangle? It's likely that I'm wrong because I haven't found it, but I hope it could be done. However, there is the possibility that it isn't on this site, but it would be nice to find it again after like... 4 years.


    Crimson April 3, 2017 3:45 am

    I would like to know too

    Master_Bait (aka Jizzy) April 3, 2017 3:55 am

    Sounds...ehm...yeah, I got nothing.

    Kawaii~Whale April 3, 2017 4:03 am

    Sounds interesting

    Mafuyu April 3, 2017 4:04 am

    This sounds so familiar and even after searching for about an hour I still can't find it ;_;

    Mafuyu April 3, 2017 4:16 am
    This sounds so familiar and even after searching for about an hour I still can't find it ;_; Mafuyu


    takame April 3, 2017 4:20 am

    I have to warn new readers of the manga that it's in permanent hiatus before getting in.

    Anonymous April 3, 2017 5:38 am

    Yep, the manga is unfinished because the mangaka passed away ╥﹏╥

    Carmelazation April 3, 2017 5:56 am

    OMG THANK YOU! I love this community <3

Carmelazation April 3, 2016 2:43 pm

Just curious, but is there an authority required to write summaries for manga? (such as the people who upload) If so that'd be a shame. Cause I wouldn't mind doing so for manga's missing summaries. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    CONman April 3, 2016 3:18 pm

    I'm not sure but you can try to report the summary and see what the admin thinks about it..
    So go to a manga page one which you want to write the summary, then click the white flag on the left of the page and choose 'Other' then explain what you wanna do or try to write the summary, they will contaci you with a notification and answer your questions..

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