ZeroYaoi's feed

ZeroYaoi asked a question

Saw post on reddit, im sure there was another post about this while ago, but idk if someone answered, but it seems that the original OP still didnt find it, so please help xd im also interested as fuck xd

This was in that post:

For context - I vaguely remember the storyline . I read this japanese bl manga few years ago and remember the plot stuck in my head . Tags - childhood friends, classmates , unrequited love , reunited after years

So , the seme and uke were classmates in high school . They studied in same class and were... friends ( you can say that ) The uke annoys seme a lot .

The uke while in school confessed to seme or hinted to seme about his feelings .

The seme later moved to another city for career . He promised uke that he would return but never did . He never contacted uke again . As he wanted to live a normal life . He started dating and got himself a female partner ( wife or girlfriend don't remember)

The female partner calls uke ( she does not know that uke have feelings for seme ) she called uke to dinner to suprise seme .

The seme comes home after work and his female partner is preparing the dinner . The doorbell rings and the seme opens the door to see the unexpected. The uke at the door. Seme is shocked .

I remember a scene in the manga -

( The uke annoys seme a lot and usually send ignores but one day seme got angry and punched uke in the face giving him a nosebleed . The classmates are freaking that seme did wrong but uke just laughs it off as he knows the same didn't intend to hurt him .)