No but actually I feel so fucking bad for mc girl she lowkey should have gotten a redemption arc and the black hair girl really pisses me off and the blonde dude pisses me off more
Like why did he fuck up the mc girls life instead of the intended person aka the ml like you fucked up the wrong person life literally what did she do to you oh my fucking God this shit got me heated
I feel like the only endings this should have gotten were her actually dying or them possibly ending up together
He kinda got a redemption but idk this entire fucking manwha pisses me off to a crazy extent

This was very very good but as someone that is very faint of heart and can't read sad angst literature (I think the world should be filled with sunshine and rainbows forgive me) this was a good 84 chaps of pure concentrated depression I cried for a solid 4 hours idk why this shit hit so fucking hard I need a solid couple years to recover, recoup and prepare myself for another sad manhwa/manga. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW PPL BE READING SAD AND DEPRESSING SHIT BACK TO BACK I need at least 6 months in-between them
I'm just ranting now lol anyways ima go cry some more and try to fine some fluff to heal the wounds
The ceo is hella FOINE
I've been waiting for someone to say this
came for the plot....
ceo aka THE PLOT
Frfr he's hot
I’m really invested in THE plot ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶