Yall I binged this thinking it only had 3 chapters my heart went on a rollercoaster man after 3 chapters were done and it moved to the 4th I though 'oh it just got updated' then like 20 chapters in I was like wtf how many are there and like boom fucking 100+
I was fucking betrayed by my own mind man, did that stop me from loving this to my little gay boy heart no, no it didn't

I am so sorry you don’t. It breaks my heart that there are parents who can’t accept their kids for being who they are. I always tell my son that no matter who he may end up loving, be it man, woman, etc., that the important thing is that they do love each other and are happy together. And communication. They will need to communicate.

I'm glad your son has such a nice parent ^^ in this day and age all kids need now is just love and patience. Some may not need the reassurance on their sexuality or gender but some do and honestly I'm glad there are some parents who dont give two shots about it and are there for their kid. I just hope parents try their best to learn and accept their kids instead of trying to force them to be unhappy

As someone who has personally dealt with multiple cases of dealing with pedophiles from a very very young age I think this story is beautiful. Your able to see how horrible people treat those who are preyed upon as children. As someone who is comfortable talking about this subject to many people as it is a learning experience to many. I can say the author is able to describe how children think when it comes to their predator.
In a sense from my experience as a young child such as yui you think a lot about what happened, from what I understand why this happens is because children seek approval from their parents or just adults in general. I remember thinking constantly at school why my father wasnt here and that it was all my fault that he left. From a young age I was confused and I thought I loved my father and he loved me and that's why he did what he did.
However as i grew up (I'm currently 16) i realize that this was false and my father was a fucking pedophile. Yet some people dont understand the ones who especially dont understand are my family, I'm the youngest of 4 yet I was the only one to be touched. My brother doesnt understand at all how hurtful it is to hear him praising our father. My mom completely just disregards my mental health I was only forced to see a therapist by the judge and even then I was traumatized by the therapists!
Since as a child you can babble about how you feel to someone your told you can trust cause they wont tell. Well fuck that, when I learned that my therapist told everything to my mom I learned to hush up and severely hide every emotion in order to get out of that place as quick as possible.
It seems that people dont understand as a child there must be a strong bond where that child can trust a person. For me that has never been present and so I hide everything and I refuse to see therapists for anything. Not that my family or doctors say I need to no it's my friend. Which honestly having a friend to trust as yui does is very important for survivors having someone who you can just express yourself to.
Anyways this got wayyyy off topic anyways Oof I hope people understand that what this author portrayed is honestly beautiful and how they capture certain details *muwah* peace peeps highly doubt anyone read my rant-

Oof wait if I remember correctly from the first chapter we know this all happened in the past right? Cause in the first chapter black hair guy (sorry I'm terrible with names) is talking about how he got into this situation. And like I see nothing with silver hair so would I be safe to assume in the long run its blondie and black hair guy and not the threesome we all hope to happen??
Yo this my be just 1am no sleep mind talking but the dude lowkey reminds me of Hamilton and how he just fuckin ruined his life all by himself man. This be whack and I'm here for it.
Tho my blood do be boiling lol