It's where the bottom is always attracted to straight guys, and when he gets rejected he would run to the top while crying. They were childhood friends(?) and the top has always been in love with the bottom. Please help me finding this manga again, thanks!
2019 lol. Was there when the whole meltdown happened when this site was gonna get taken down.
Mind you this is our first impression of you
Any recommendations of historical manhwas (your typical kingdom, reincanation, regression, etc) that are already ended? Or nearing its end. Really want to read some without being left on a cliffhanger T__T. Thanks!
I used to shoplift when i was 9 mostly like books, pen, dictionary, anw any school supplies LMFAO. Then i corrupted my two other cousin to join me as a shoplifters (THIS is vile) we got caught once and my + cousins journy as shoplifters end there KSKAKSKSJSKSKSJSNZNSNS
We never speak abt how we used to be shopli......
15 08,2024
08 08,2024