Lady's feed

Lady created a topic of Koi to Dangan

Life advice to teen girls and young women in their early to mid twenties who are reading this manga andare going kyahhh for Oya: NEVER put a man over your friends and family. Loving someone should never be at the expense of your family and friends who are very dear to you. That will come back to bite you very hard, especially if that man leaves you. Yuri will now have to live with the guilt of her actions because she basically told her family that she picked a man DESPITE his very dangerous lifestyle of a year or so OVER her family who loved her since she was born. There’s only so much mental anguish Yuri can take before she breaks down from being involved with Oya. Also if Oya truly loves her, then he needs to have a serious discussion with Yuri of not sacrificing so much of her life for him.