queer's experience ( All 3 )

Hi there! Queer here! Sorry for the lack of updates these past few days. I just got a new cat, and I've been trying to get her settled. But hey, I have some art to share with you! These past few days I've also been working on making a cover for Sock It! I went through many different designs, and I finally decided upon this one. It's not quite fini......   1 reply
09 03,2021
I spent the past few days sketching and brainstorming a logo for Sock It!, and I'm happy to announce that I've finally decided on a design! Here it is! It's pretty basic, but I can't afford to hire someone to make a logo for me... ( ̄∇ ̄") And something is coming very, very soon... so be on the lookout! Thank you for reading! -queer ......   2 reply
01 03,2021
NOTE: THIS IS A TEST POST TO SEE IF MY THING IS APPROVED. ONCE THIS IS AVAILABLE, AND THIS SHOWS UP, I WILL BE REMOVING THIS AND POSTING HERE FROM NOW OWN. I spent the past few days sketching and brainstorming a logo for Sock It!, and I'm happy to announce that I've finally decided on a design! Here it is! It's pretty basic, but I can't affo......   reply
01 03,2021

queer's answer ( All 179 )

throw in miscommunication that leads to the male lead getting into a relationship with another guy that then causes another miscommunication and they NEVER JUST ASK THE OTHER WHAT'S GOING ON. i hate that.   reply
23 01,2024
about question
22 09,2023
  2 reply
22 09,2023
I like it when they censor it with a picture of something else lol   reply
15 07,2021
about question
13 07,2021
lol   reply
13 07,2021
12 07,2021
lol wait until they learn about adult anime fans that have body pillows of Haruhi Suzumiya lmao   reply
12 07,2021

queer's question ( All 49 )

about question
07 05,2021
hey all, queer here
sorry for being gone for so long.
fnf mod i wrote for got front paged on the website and was even played by bijuu mike. i've been busy as hell.

anyways, what have i missed? o-0
07 05,2021
hi everyone. queer here.

so in the time that mangago has been shut down, i got into friday night funkin.

i know a bit about music composition, so i joined the modding server for the game on discord.

someone posted a video to a mod, saying "yo we need some composers"

so i was like "AW HELL YEAH I CAN DO THAT-"

so i joined and they let me on the team. the video had like, 162 views.

about 3 days later, i had ended up becoming the head writer for the mod. the mod tackles dementia and schizophrenia in a serious and accurate way, and so I was doing tons of research.

i decided to go check back on the video.

it had 200,000 views.

and i FREAKED-

tl;dr: in the time mangago was down i somehow became the head writer for a friday night funkin mod that went viral.

da video:
03 04,2021
just a warning i am currently on a sugar high so this may not make sense but holy fuck i fucking love kaito kuroba. he's just absolutely fucking perfect like he's a magician and a fucking thief??? bitch his character debutted 2 years before tuxedo mask he was the original anime top hat wearing gentleman. like everyone thinks that he's a bad guy but in actuality he's only stealing to find a gem that can grant eternal life before an evil criminal organization can find it. and like no one knows so he has to pretend to be a "villain" but like he's not angsty at all??? he's cool and confident and cocky??? like whaaaaaa??? and like he got da drip 0/-/0 like that monocle mmmmm yes please og my gosh and like he does disguises too and like he disguised himself as a cop wITH GLASSES AND OML MY HEART IT ALMOST DIED- but like a part of the fandom ships him with conan, who is actually shinichi whos's 17 but is trapped in the body of a 1st grader and like i get that they knew each other before shinichi turned into conan but like why are you shipping them when shinichi is conan gRRRRRRRRR KAITO ISN'T INTO KIDSSSSSS FJKSDJFKSAJFASKFJKAFKA- and like his smile and his smirks melt my heart and his engrish is amazing and his stupidly cheesy one-liners i just omg fjkfjkajfkad and like hE HAS A GUN THAT SHOOTS PLAYING CARDS?!? LIKE OMG THAT'S SO FUCKING COOL AND HE HAS A HANGLIDERRRR i can't and he's super smart and creative and he's afraid of fish and there are some depictions of him beinglike unstable and his mindset in those are so fucking hot like i know that that stuff isn't good irl but his obsession and fixation on certain things and him getting attention and always hiding his true intentions its just jfksjfksajfkasfjasl he's just so cool fkfjkasfdjksjfksaljfdskf

tl;dr: i wub kaito kuroba and u should too owo
18 03,2021
hisoka be lookin like fuckin twink pinnochio got that nose like luke atmey
levi's an old man with that bitch-ass fake edgeworth hair
chrollo looks better bald
deku is broccolli
no idea who dojun s but google images showin me an old squinty lookin man who looks in pain i mean i'm into that but not like this
todoroki looks like a mf tide pod
AOT characters look old and wrinkly u-u
nakyum is generic and fuck painter of the night
ok they wrong about naruto tho he got that boyish energy and i love dat hair and whiskers he a handsome boy
but all other characters are batshit ugly asf
haikyuu more like badly written haiku amiright
dragon ball z characters chins look weird
yuri just look normal

i support da message op tryin to send.

and don't say that i don't look any better i'm fucking gorgeous bitches
18 03,2021
about question
queer here.
i'm about to get real with ya'll, and i'm going to get personal with ya'll too. i'm going to be ranting about my own personal tastes, so if you're not comfortable with that, or have any objections, please don't continue reading. ty.

tw: rape

ever since i was a kid (about 8-9 years old), i've had a hypnosis fetish. as a 5-year old my reaction to it was absolute terror. anytime a hypnosis subplot came onto tv (and let me tell you, there were LOTS. especially with electric company. holy shit that stuff scarred me as a kid), i would cover my eyes and ears and curl up into a ball. The thought of someone messing with me against my will, without me even knowing was FUCKING TERRIFYING-

It's pretty common for fears to turn into fetishes, and that's what ended up happening with me. Hypnosis scares the living shit out of me- i don't ever want it to actually happen to me- but thinking about it is quite a kick in the pants, if you catch my drift.

why am i bringing this up? well, because MOST of the people that share my particular kink are FUCKING CREEPS-

see, what I like about hypnosis is the fact that you're completely vulnerable. you can't hide anything, and all of your reactions are completely honest. if a person tells you to do something, there's no fear of them being disgusted or blaming you for anything; they asked for it, so they're responsible and will accept you completely. As a very insecure person, this is really appealing to me. And also, uh, the power dynamic is nice too.


Oh, and DON'T GET ME STARTED ABOUT THE RAPE FANATICS. See, "hypnosis" and "rape" are for SOME REASON inseperable in the hentai universe. This is fucking preposterous as there are MANY ways that you can implement hypnosis into consensual sex, but nOOOOO, THEY JUST HAVE TO MAKE IT FUCKING RAPE EVERYTIME TO FEED INTO POWER HIGH OF INCELS, SMH-

Like if you have this fetish, you're going to end up having to read some hypnorape shit. At least I fucking try to pretend that the scenes are consensual (and before you get onto me for reading rape shit, i am not reading it for the rape. i am reading because it's the only shit that caters to my kink)

But these fuckers READ IT for the rape. it's not that it just so happens that rape ticks off all of the criteria of things they like. No. Their desire is to fucking rape a helpless girl and brainwash them into liking it. No concern about the actual girl, it's just disgusting.

i fucking hate having to share a community with those absolute creeps. When I'm just trying to find some hypnosis good content to look at of characters that actually seem to be HAPPY AND ENJOYING STUFF- yes i know that they are probably not genuinely enjoying it, but GOD LET ME JUST BELIEVE THIS LIE- there are these ASSHOLES, just leaving creepy sexist comments talking about turning them into a slave because "that's all women should be"


it fucking sucks when you're into something for a specific reason but everyone else is into it because they just want a fantasy where they can rape people easier.

u. g. h.

TL;DR: I'm into hypnosis stuff because I have extremely low self confidence and it sort of fufills my desire to be needed and accepted, yet anytime I tell people they think I'm one of those fuckers that just want to turn people into sex slaves and rape them. and this makes me very sad and distressed.
10 03,2021

People are doing

want to do question

GUYSS I NEED HELP! SO this guys hair is pink, her mom is an alien who's very pretty she's an idol in Earth n his son splatters when touches

1 days
did made a discord server


1 days
did explain a manga plot badly

Newly eye opened assassin reincarnates and is hounded by a glutinous ball of cotton candy that he frequently steals from

1 days