Man, I really feel hananoi atm. All the time im looking for someone (friend) who cares about me as much as I care about them - talking, wanting to be together, even "hey this reminds me of [her]". someone who I realize I dont have to be the one always starting the conversation, always initiating everything, and then getting ditched when someone better comes along. I know one of these days I'll find them but it sucks to put so much into a relationship and wake up one day and realize that its not worth it like this, it feels too one sided.
its very cute! Im excited to see where this is going even if I could probably guess. Shes certainly an over the top fujoshi but all the characters are likable, if not a little simple! :)
okay guys I read 3 chapters and liked knockoff izaya enough to not hate the story, but (in your opinion) are the new 14 (sigh) chapters good enough to stomach in one go
came in knowing id read smut and halfway through I was really rooting for mr cute tentacles and their "pure" love... was not expecting that from an ecchi
Man, I really feel hananoi atm. All the time im looking for someone (friend) who cares about me as much as I care about them - talking, wanting to be together, even "hey this reminds me of [her]". someone who I realize I dont have to be the one always starting the conversation, always initiating everything, and then getting ditched when someone better comes along. I know one of these days I'll find them but it sucks to put so much into a relationship and wake up one day and realize that its not worth it like this, it feels too one sided.