Tell me manga/manhwa/manhua that you never want to read it ever again (just once is enough) =^._.^= ∫
Dude....that shit was so bad, the plot WAS MID and right off the bat the uke was getting graped by a dude that's not even the ML, the same dude that literally had the Uke get gang banged by male characters after the uke staged a failed rebellion. It traumatized me so much cause one of the things I despise is well respected characters being degraded AND BY MOB CHARACTERS SO FUCKING NASTY. the fucking ml aint fucking sh either. bitch is like "oh I care" then immediately confines the uke and fucks him after rescuing him from the gang bang dude???? Like okay he's upset the ml killed his parents but then he still likes him??? and is like "this for your own good???". the gang bang dude also raped all the Uke's knights and some were left crippled, had the uke gangbanged and had the audacity to be like "why does he hate me? what did I do wrong??" all the characters were fucking bland with no fucking development. No realistic response to trauma, everybody in the story including the uke needs to fuck off and this story needs to fuccking off itself and whoever let this shit get serialized needs to get fucking fired cause aint no fucking way someone looked at this and was like "oh this could be a banger" I don't say this about many stories but this IS ACTUAL TRASH. not just mid like Jinx, BUT FUCKING TRASH
Looking at your explanation, it seems like it's really bad, why does the author create characters like that and continue the story without doing any development on them, like they don't care? In fact, some stories have unpleasant characters, but when they are developed well, readers tend to feel improvement (on story) and it can be seen that the author cares about the story itself
aint no fucking way a thought was put into the plot. this the kind of sh from an author who read too much porn and was like "Hey, to get serialized on LZN all i need is a grape plot and good art which some cliche ass concept". I fucking hate lzh, not only do they publish and promote the most MID ASS bls, they dont even have the decency to treat their artist right. I believe that darker elements in a story is fine as long as it actually contributes to the story or character development. Shit on lzh doesnt do any of that sh. And this is one of them, the people at lzn HQ DONT GAF about quality. Like even I can see how this story couldve developed into an actual good plot BUT NO, THATS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR LZN, THEY HAVE TO MAKE EVERYTHING ABOUT GRAPE, ITS ACTUALLY SO ANNOYING. I was reading cause I felt like it had potential to be better AND THEN THE GANGRAPE HAPPENED AND IM FUCKING DONE. Im never paying for sh on lzn and I will advocate for my life that the actual good stories on there like "payback" gets serialized on some other gigachad site (ridibooks) THEN ILL SPEND MONEY. Actual garbage.
Yeahhh, so true. I mean at this point lzh only care about art and not the actual plot. But maybe they did it because of the market? Nowadays fans adores excessive art, especially those with explicit content, making it difficult for people who want to read because of the plot. because I feel the quality has also decreased, sadly I don't know many of the characters in Season Greeting 2025 because the story isn't interesting enough. Hopefully there will be more manhwa with interesting stories and not boring ones full of seegs
Please give me your best possessive BL trope, it can be red flag or black flag as long as they're complete
(っ'-')╮= Thanks in Advance.
You slut