That's the question here. This sounds like the beginning of something toxic, but the premise is extremely fascinating, and I'm curious about where it's headed.

unfortunately, i can't really tell from the previews if they figure their stuff out yet but there is a promising part in chapter 3 https://imgur.com/a/wH72hTT :)
That sister keeps giving me mixed messages/signals. I keep getting strong feelings that she's bad and her true nature reveal is definitely going to be a big reveal/twist in the story. Either she's worse than she seems to be or she's secretly protecting the female lead the whole time. I just want romance manhua/manhwa where the main character has a healthy and supportive relationship with their siblings of similar age. (non-incestuous and free of bro-con/sis-con of course) Is that really too much to ask?
I’m getting a different vibe. Beatrice stole her ex-fiancé cause she doesn’t want Chloe to be happy and now might try to take her husband this time so again Chloe won’t be happy, we’ll see in the next chapters
That is highly possible, but I feel like the step-mom wants Chloe's unhappiness more than Chloe's step-sister. I just deeply desire a story where the female lead has a good relationship with their step-sibling(s). I'd absolutely love it if the big twist was that Beatrice actually cared about Chole but hid it because her mom's a total b*tch. Though honestly, this theory is most likely just my wishful thinking.
Beatrice has been very passive throughout the story. The only slight she made against Chloe was kissing her ex-fiance, but that could've been one-sided with the b*tch-boy kissing her, and I have a feeling she's aware that Chloe was already unhappy with the relationship. The cancelation of Chloe's engagement was also mostly due to the step-mom's influence. We all know her crying was fake af, but the motive could either be to "steal her man" or to free her from an unhappy marriage. We are also told that Beatrice actively made Chloe's ex miserable though we don't know if it's her true character or if it's revenge for making Chloe miserable. Beatrice is defiantly scheming something from her reaction to the wh*re's letter and how we recently spotted her in the shadows spying on the drama going down, but whether it's a scheme for good or evil is yet to be seen. It would be such a fun and clever twist if Beatrice was a good person and not another bratty rival for Chloe to defeat. Even if it's unintentional, the step-sister has low-key been acting like a guardian angel/fairy godmother to the female lead. I personally am going to wait a bit more before making a final judgment on her character. The chances of good intentions are very slim, so I wouldn't hold my breath for that to be the big reveal. But hey, a reader can still dream, can't she?
Wow, looks like you were right after all. Now I’m a bit embarrassed that I was wrong
We aren't out of the woods yet my dear child. There could still be another twist. I'm still a little uncertain if her feelings are genuine or if she's playing us all for fools. We haven't seen much of her behavior when all alone behind closed doors. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she actually cares about the female lead. I've been lied to before so my guard is up until I see definitive proof.