does anyone have a link to the raws? thankie much
If you don’t mind the ads and the fact that it is in chinese, here ya go.
does anyone have link to the raws? send pweaty pwease
uhmm it is actually "pretty please" in a cute way but I'm sorry guys if i'm too eager to ask since it isnt just me in this manga/manhwa sites that ask for raw links in every manga/manhwa we've read right?
And in all honesty I'm a girl you can check out my profile if you want to it is hurtful to see someone telling you "bullshit" in a very public community... but i guess it is offending...... I'm terribly sorry
should I jump off a cliff? i'm sorry i won't do tjat cause I already have a terminal disease, I'll die soon enough for you to satisfy your anger. you think I'm lying? tell me and I'll send you my medical records via gmail friend.
does anyone have a manhua link for this not the novel? thankie much