the kind that I wish my curiosity hadn't led me to. But it's a legitimate website somewhere on here. it's called don't look it up unless you have a strong stomach.
the kind that I wish my curiosity hadn't led me to. But it's a legitimate website somewhere on here. it's called don't look it up unless you have a strong stomach. Lucien
I wouldn't look it up because I don't want to support this content, but I am unpleasantly surprised this exists...are you doing ok after bumping on it?
I KNOW!? I was so disappointed getting spoiled.. I’m fine with waiting months just to see the kids but I’m binge scrolling at 5 am I don’t need to see the baby’s on chapter 20 when they haven’t even been popped out yet smh
FINALLY SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ( like every name be similar) Angi
RIGHT??? like at one point throught the manwha you'd be like "who tf you talking about again??" at this point I'm re-checking chapters to see who is who.
I wanted to read an angsty story with a shitty male lead regretting his actions and grovels....
I guess I kinda got what I wanted....but I wasn't expecting to laugh and pity the guy XD