Just Potato created a topic of Salty Lust

I am not Nux but I want to be him and impregnate that twink Owen!!!

Just Potato created a topic of Special Civil Servant

I am female but who cares I will go against biology and gotta impregnate that diva...

Just Potato created a topic of Special Civil Servant

Mc is such a baby gurl, male wife, breeable waist, serving cunt, pookie dookie (〃゚3゚〃)

Just Potato created a topic of Raw

We got titanium bussy that could handle titanium d¡Ck

How I get into that conclusion?

Both supposed to be titanium because if he could handle that size( of course he will), dang.... And that d¡CK is also titanium... Like.... His d¡CK is not even get a scratch when he rubs over jeans

What's that brother...ಠ_ಠ

Just Potato created a topic of Leveling With The Gods

I want to call yuwon and Hercules "Daddy" too-

Just Potato created a topic of Crimson Ocean
Just Potato created a topic of Star Struck

My boy you need to wake up, he is guilt tripping you, manipulating that you are the only one who is guilty, “he is such a good person” bro hell no... I keep reading this because hoping uke realise or get a woke up call, yeah what am I expecting... it was a fiction after all... but I did happened some familiar experience like him, I had my childhood crush which is also my childhood Friend , which was not a great ending with him, so I was just saying...to sum, I hope seme get character development...since this webtoon is about them I am sure they will end up together... I really hope they will stop hurting each other

Just Potato created a topic of Leave Room For Love

Plz uninstall that creep stalker for our lil babies's sake... Like bro wtf :") that manipulative, narcissistic psychopath def pice of shit. If he kills those ppl around his lil brother, he would be serial killer and author said "stalker like" bro... U need to check your eyes... Because that's a fu¢king psychopath and serial killer (possibly)

Just Potato followed a list
Just Potato created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

Sexual tension between them is just....
Delicious (♡ω♡ ) ~♪

Set in the far-far north, where wolves rule, the head of the valley, Garm, follows the tradition of ...

  • Author: Billy balibally
  • Genres: Yaoi / Fantasy / Romance
Just Potato created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

He would won tons of gold metal if ruining the relationship was a sport...
(Because u have trauma doesn't mean u can ruin others or mess with others, giving trust issues to others, but he didn't deserve what he is been through, anyone doesn't deserve those traumatic experience , it's just... Messed up... ) (If I have same relationship experience , I don't think I can able to trust that person again)

I have bad feeling about her!

I think snake's genitals are at the end of the the tails so to answer some of ya guy's question (tho no one asked) Gong grab the di¢k

I hope she got slapped (beat up to the pulp)
She is complex character nice character writing but I hate ppl like her....

Just Potato created a topic of The Titan's bride

And this egg is not hatching??? Don't make me crack open with hammer (ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Just Potato created a topic of Monday'saviour

I want to crush him down like I stepped down a rotten tomato, throw an egg towards his face etc etc if I were in their universe ( 灬╹▽╹灬 ) Fuck that bully a total shit , I can't wait his downfall

Just Potato created a topic of Counter Offensive

I am sure now, uke is PIECE OF SHITʘ‿ʘ