Tried to make the novel but it looks like the timelines aren't aligned. I guess they rearranged it for the manhwa.
Stalker looking like The Grudge when she came out from under the table.
Chapter 94 reminds me of Detective Conan plot but with Anya's power which is hilarious (and the guy surviving).
Someone, plz me who is the Ml because I dont want to be emotionally invest and disappointed. I don't want it to be the Duke, I'm almost tired of black hair ml (in straight ones, too). I don't need second lead syndrome with Cedric.
Clara looks so pretty and deadly cute, emphasizing deadly.
Usually novelupdates has a few chapters but nope, nothing, nada. I could MLT it but I don't feel like hurting my brain right now.
His brother is so creepy. Like why, I like cute brother relationships not I'm going to lock you in basement tied to a chair relationship.
If this was normal situation then yes violence shouldn't be the answer. However, this is the yakuza, and depending on the gang, they have their rules. Look at what happened to Asuka dad who was the protecter of his territory. They still would trashed Aoi's family restaurant and made his family miserable and emotionally drained (and fearful) until they got what they wanted. They need get protection, move away, or Asuka could meet with the leader of the gang to see if those gang members were acting out of authority or overthrow the gang and take over the territory.
I feel so bad for Cliff at least he gets a good ending and the brother relationship is repaired through all that suffering.
I'm done, soo done. That was so unnecessary, like u had Sunho caring and getting mad on his behalf then have him doing the completely opposite. I'm deleting this from my mind. I hope this story the best
I sometimes have mix feels with these type of stories especially when the child (usually son) is always fighting the father for the mother attention.I like balances parent and child stories or ones that bulid on that relationship.
Kind of want the FL, ML, and them to be friend or allies especially since that bulter (puppet master) was manipulating the things behind the scenes.
I was scream throughout thr chapters, "Get a fucking exorcist or that old lady shaman.."