Tizz like the answer
Family is not blood but feelings. If you grow up as a siblings it's incest. The genetics only come into play when you make offspring bc that's not healthy. Regarding romances I see ZERO difference between related or non-related siblings. Anything else would imply adopted children are not as worthy or whatever and I don't believe that.
Tizz like the experience about question
Hi, so recently i’ve seen a person be extremely fetishizing, homophobic and rude in questions. Is there any way of getting them banned? account: https://www.mangago.me/home/people/3465039/home/
Tizz shared experience about question
Hi, so recently i’ve seen a person be extremely fetishizing, homophobic and rude in questions. Is there any way of getting them banned? account: https://www.mangago.me/home/people/3465039/home/