Does anybody know good genderbender manhwa/manga/webtoons
He is a High School Girl, webtoon about a delinquent with a Sis-Complex who finds out that his younger sister is being bullied so he infiltrates her ALL GIRL school and then shit gets wild.
Then there's Tokyo Crazy Paradise, a manga that seriously needs more love. It's set in Crapsack!Tokyo and the Main Girl genderbends as a boy just because and then shit gets wild when she's forced to become the bodyguard to her yakuza Don classmate in order to pay of her family's debt. I high-key recommend these
He is a High School Girl, webtoon about a delinquent with a Sis-Complex who finds out that his younger sister is being bullied so he infiltrates her ALL GIRL school and then shit gets wild.
Then there's Tokyo Crazy Paradise, a manga that seriously needs more love. It's set in Crapsack!Tokyo and the Main Girl genderbends as a boy just because and then shit gets wild when she's forced to become the bodyguard to her yakuza Don classmate in order to pay of her family's debt. I high-key recommend these both are complete
He is a High School Girl, webtoon about a delinquent with a Sis-Complex who finds out that his younger sister is being bullied so he infiltrates her ALL GIRL school and then shit gets wild.
Then there's Tokyo Crazy Paradise, it's a little old so be prepared for that nineties art style but it's a manga that seriously needs more love. It's set in Crapsack!Tokyo and the Main Girl genderbends as a boy just because and then shit gets wild when she's forced to become the bodyguard to her yakuza Don classmate in order to pay of her family's debt. I high-key recommend these both are complete
He is a High School Girl, webtoon about a delinquent with a Sis-Complex who finds out that his younger sister is being bullied so he infiltrates her ALL GIRL school and then shit gets wild.
Then there's Tokyo Crazy Paradise, it's a little old so be prepared for that nineties art style but it's a manga that seriously needs more love. It's set in Crapsack!Tokyo and the Main Girl genderbends as a boy just because and then shit gets wild when she's forced to become the bodyguard to her yakuza Don classmate in order to pay off her family's debt. I high-key recommend these both are complete
He is a High School Girl, webtoon about a delinquent with a Sis-Complex who finds out that his younger sister is being bullied so he infiltrates her ALL GIRL school and then shit gets wild.
Then there's Tokyo Crazy Paradise, it's a little old so be prepared for that nineties art style but it's a manga that seriously needs more love. It's set in Crapsack!Tokyo and the Main Girl genderbends as a boy just because and then shit gets wild when she's forced to become the bodyguard to her yakuza Don classmate in order to pay off her family's debt. The Main girl is police's daughter and she's shipped with Yakuza boy and the romance is lit and the drama worth it. There's no like proper romance in the first one but the comedy is on fire. I high-key recommend these both are complete
I think we underastimated dobin, I mean some thing seams off because of the last page.
Tbh I love the ,,character'' of the app if it wouldn't threaten them and stuff