Tiara’s really insecure, she can never just think that Aqua helping the other princess is purely just helping and nothing more. She somewhat trusts Aqua but she has absolutely no trust in herself, which is really sad..
I hope she gains confidence over time bc rn it’s too much. Her insecurity is causing cracks in their relationship, and ofc rn Keith is so tempting to ship Tiara with bc he’s making her gain a bit of confidence and hE’S FUCKING HOT LIKE UM COME TO ME WHEN YOU GET REJECTED BY TIARA I BEG YOU

Yep I agree with you. Aqua’s being quite insensitive as well, all the while knowing that she’s insecure and tends to bottle her feelings inside. But I guess he somewhat couldn’t help it because he needs to keep good relations with the other princess for the sake of his country like he previously mentioned, and I’m pretty sure it was just his reflex to help her because of his kind personality and so. But he should’ve been more careful, because I’m sure he’s aware of Tiara’s worries..
But imo Tiara’s also really insecure and since she knows the plot line, she’s doubtful and although she trusts Aqua, she can’t help but feel uneasy, which I find really sad, because it’s mere misunderstandings and delusions that are currently creating cracks in their relationship. I hope they become honest with each other and confide to one other because that will help a loT
he’S catchinG feeLINGS JDKSKS