I can’t believe some of the things China is doing. I read this manga - http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/no_one_will_say_the_name_of_that_country/ - and I didn’t want to believe it, except I had just seen a news report on the harvesting organs done by the news sources called Epoch Times and China Uncensored on YouTube. If you have the chance t...... reply
I discovered manga and anime when I was laid up after some surgery. I would have never experienced it if I hadn't just stumbled on it while researching a mythical creature for a story and the search pulled up an anime with that creature in it. Watching that somehow lead to Ruoni Kenshen which lead to the manga which lead to... well, lets just say...... reply
When I was younger, I was the sort who could eat as much as I wanted of anything and not gain a single pound but now. It's a little different now. After my first pregnancy that changed. I gained 20 pounds more with the next. I'm not 'fat' now, but I'm definitely heavier than I ought to be and it doesn't want to come off. Something in my metabol...... reply
A border collie-ish type dog I rescued off the street, quite literally - saw her on the street and lured her into my backyard before the dogcatcher could see her. Evidently she had been abused, because she cringed when you went to pet her, but she got over that with lots of love . Only dog I've ever seen who could play a legitimate game of tag, ...... 3 reply
Giraffes have 'sponges' in their heads to absorb the rush of blood they get when they put their head down to eat/drink so their head doesn't explode, and that also supplies blood/oxygen to their brain until their heart can push the blood back up their neck when the pick their head up so they don't pass
~~~~~~~~ AND ~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Platyp...... reply
When I was younger and had bad cramps, the doctors regularly prescribed me 600 and 800 mg tablets of Ibuprofen (Advil) and would have me take 2 if it was really bad, but that was a long time ago. Not sure I'd recommend going over 800 nowadays, but regardless of the amount, make sure you take it with food. Ibuprofen can be hard on your stomach and...... 3 reply
I wish I could introduce you to my husband. He's 6 foot 1, 200 lbs and quite masculine, but there is very little 'toxic' about him. He works hard to provide for our family, and still comes home and helps with chores. He also opens doors for me, carrys my heavy boxes, walks between me and the street in case something dangerous comes down the road...... 2 reply
There is a lot of stress and anxiety going around that is COVID 19 related. While it might be a bit indirect, maybe you could lay the blame (at least initially when talking to you Mom) at the feet of the virus. I'm sure the fact you can't get out, go to school and see your friends has contributed to your depression's current level, and that might...... 1 reply
Many people who read Guardian Joker ( http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/guardian_joker/ ) said there should be another chapter. I got to wondering what kind of chapter should follow? If you were the author, what would be your plot be for the final chapter of Guardian Joker?