my 6th grade self is e c s t a t i c to share this information~~ dinosaurs are extinct right? FALSE think again my dear friend the coelacanth a living dinosaur at the bottom of the ocean its been alive since prehistoric dino times, and while rare, is still alive to this day, identical to its fossil record! its a giant fish that lives on the ocean ......
Now I'm probably gonna be seen as the bad guy here, but I feel like the only way to combat depression aside from talking about it with someone you trust is to find something you're passionate about and pursue it. I find that if you're distracted doing something-anything really, you find less time for reflection or thinking because you're so busy do......
I have had the same problem growing up. I tall, curvy but more so with muscle because I always did heavy labours jobs and I'm always physically on the go. I don't know how I was single yet had so many stalkers. One guy named Altony stalked me from 16 until 31. Going as far as to jump in front of my car, secretly make friends with my dad and try to ......
And her mother obligated this mangaka victim do not draw anymore... so that is why I will not read the mangas of an evil woman like her...
(put before and after, take a look guys! dont let anything discourage you!) Wow, now thats hard. We start with the classic; practice. Seriously draw everyday, at least one time. Start the drawing with the things you comfortable with (for me heads-up) and go slowly towards to things you are bad at, such as anatomy. Do not let other people dicta......
One drawing a day in a sketchbook. I mean observational drawing (I am not sure if it is the right word). It is a really good exercise, because at the beggining you will try to draw something beautiful, or inspiring but after a few weeks, you will get "bored" of drawing, and then, if you push yourself to do it, you will start to draw everything and ......
A little piece of cartoon on a string. I was not allowed to have a dog because my crazy sister was afraid of them, so I ''made'' one myself. The worst part was when winter came, and my father tore it in two pieces and used half of it to make a fire. I was older than I care to admit. I think I named him Fifi. I buried the other half in snow, had a f......
give me weird animal facts