I wanted to really like it, but instead I kept getting SO frustrated. I think the girl's name should have been Yoyo rather than Ai. Seriously! I can sympathize with all the pressure and insecurity, and I'm going to blame Aki to for not opening up and talking about his concerns, but then, with the way she was acting, how could he believe she was strong enough to support him?
The final straw was London... It had been how many years? And their love had evidently even proven to be Shima proof in spite of it being long distance again! Okay, so she was too oblivious to see through Aki's facade and too dense to realize, even just logically, he was nervous, but what's with this, 'Oh, woe is me! I just want to support him... I just drag him down... I'll just dump him on the eve of his big international performance without even sharing my concerns either. After all, getting dumped by your fiancé just before performing for the world shouldn't affect his performance at all!"
Aaarrrggghhh! I never thought I'd leave a romance story saying maybe the guy SHOULD have stuck with the arranged marriage.

...or he really is going to lose her. I was kinda disappointed with him. Only say it once? If a guy can't recognize the importance of communication, especially when it is the only way for the couple to interact and connect due to distance, it doesn't bode well even if they get back together. Embarrassed? I can understand that, but if you love her, get over it and say it anyway. She needs to hear it.

I saw the anime first, and knew there would be alterations and simplifications from the manga, once I realized such existed, but the end really surprised me. It was completely different, really... Who all got hurt, how they were healed, how Shion influenced the "goddess".... I'm glad I got to read the manga, and I loved getting to see more of the artwork (LOVE the artwork- SOOO appreciate the efforts of those who scanlated this!!!!!!), but I think -- story wise -- I prefer the anime. Art wise, every chapter here was a delight - so well cleaned and refined! And the translation too, so well done. Thank you to all involved!

Ah. Interesting. Thanks for for the info. Unless those have also been translated, I guess this is the best I can do, but as much as I love the way it's drawn, I'm happy to have found it! I like Shion's character (I think I could be good friends with someone like him), but I love the way Nezumi was drawn.

Hmm... Kyoko's first love role... They originally wanted Ren for the wandering samurai... His schedule no longer conflicts... Might 'Lotus' soon experience an unexpected MALE lead change as well?

That's exactly what I am anticipating . Jealousy is the motivator that I expect will push him to make sure HE will be Kyoko's character's love interest in the drama, because he doesn't want to see her interacting intimately with anyone else, even if it's 'just' acting. Once they are both secure in their relationship, I don't see it being a problem, but now? While both are so fragile and unsure of themselve's or the other's feelings? No way do I see him being capable of being a proper senior and guiding her through the process of 'loving' another actor right now. He is going to want to be THE ONE, if it can possibly be arranged. Either way... Is or isn't... Angst is guarenteed!

Hmmm... That's even potentially feasible, although if that were the case, I think it would have already been mentioned... Ren doesn't seem to be the sort to leave things to chance. If it actually IS, I am certain fireworks are going to ensue, in Ren's brain if nowhere else. I suspect that possibility would be easier for Kyoko to deal with too... at least on the set. Off... and interacting with Ren... Oh, gosh, that's a frightening prospect. LOL.

Murasame would be another interesting prospect. I suspect once he saw Ren (if not immediately, then in the first fight scene), the identity of Actor X would be out of the bag (although I'm positive Murasame would keep the secret), and thus Setsu eventually as well, although I think that might take him a little longer to put together. It would also be interesting to see how much of Cain Heel's animosity for Murasame transfers over to Ren. There is a lot that could be done there, although I think it is less likely then Kajima. Fun to speculate though.

This is just part 1! Keep reading in Magnolia Waltz ( http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/magnolia_waltz/). And for another good one by the same author, check out First Girl ( http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/first_girl/)

I LOVE the art in this manga!!! SO well drawn, but ARGH! So many little pieces... little threads... that make this seem like there should be a whole lot more. I know there is on Haji's side (an anime, I think?), but there seems ther might be a story behind the detective's brother that is a total mystery too. I wish this installment came with names and references so knew where to look for more. GRRR!
I'm with you; I wish there was another chapter, and then I got to wondering what other people wish they could see. Then I thought it would be fun to find out, so if you were the author, what would be the plot of the final chapter of Joker Guardian? Click the link here to share your ideas... http://www.mangago.zone/thing/about/2164/
(But don't expect it to ever be drawn - I am unrelated to anyone with that ability or influence. This is just for fun.)