on both sides. This really seems like a “you love it or hate it” sort of story... or maybe even both.
I liked that we got to see it from both angles. It was a difficult situation, because both characters came from a background that left them so trigger happy that when it came to the other, all good sense left them. I mean, she jumped to the defense of the IT guy charged with telling secrets with all this good advice about hearing him out, verifying the truth and understanding he’s shy and easily intimidated and all, but she’s more than ready to jump to conclusions without discussion or investigation when it’s her own husband. He himself recognized his desire for revenge came from how much he felt hurt about being betrayed, but never thought to question that HER overreaction could stem from the depth of her hurt. And it wasn’t even ignorance on his part! He knew exactly what put her over the edge, but rather than try to straighten it out he locked her out - figuratively and literally.
The big lesson here comes back to communication - clearly they didn’t do enough of it! They knew each other well in a business sense, and I commend her for wanting to wait until marriage and him respecting that, but they still managed to circumvent the whole reason you are supposed to wait... to build a stable, intimate emotional relationship BEFORE complicating it with the hormonally driven intimacy of sex. Even though they knew each other professionally, they never got to know each other emotionally before getting married, and so true trust wasn’t there on either side, nor was the understanding of why. THAT is what they actually developed - after the fact, when he had them refraining from sex - during her memory loss. They started building that stable intimate emotional relationship they were missing.
So, in many ways it was somewhat believable, and I’m glad to see it worked out, but it still left me unsettled. I mean, this is the guy who planned to pretend to love her, to support her, to re-woo her while he arranged the escalation of a limited person boardroom humiliation (knowing what instigated it!) to a world wide humiliation on a woman who he had every hope would NOT have recovered her memory by then. Frankly, that is a level of cruelty that is just unprecedented, even in the Harlequin world. That he realized his mistakes great, but someone capable of that degree of cruelty scares me.
So I'm leaving reviews for stories I read and some reviews are visible and some are checked to be only visible to me. Not only did I NOT check that to begin with, but I can't get it to save unchecked. And clue what is going on here???
Yes, I think that is what I'm talking about... you mean the "only visible to me" check box under the box where comments are typed, right? That's my issue. Somehow that box is getting checked on random manga I'm commenting on and once checked, it will not let me un-check it. I mean, I can, and then I hit "submit", but when I hit edit and open up the window again, the box is still checked (and the comment is still not added to the section below where all the public comments are listed).
As far as I know, checking that box doesn't make the manga invisible. It just doesn't add the comment you wrote to the public list so you can keep it private. We can test this theory though. The latest problem child is this manga:
and it should be #60 on this list:
If I'm right, you'll see the manga on my list, but you won't see my comment in the comment section. Its a whole paragraph, so you are not likely to miss it.
So, I'm reading a manga via a Pintrest link and Pinterest shuts down. Manga gone; no record. So does anyone recognize this?
A young girl is visiting her mother's grave and runs into a pretty boy. They make friends and he says that he's only half a person because he doesn't have a name, so she names him Yu after the sun. When they part, she wishes they could be together forever and he gives her a bracelet, telling her she can call him anytime and they promise to reunite. Turns out the boy is a demon and she's made a contract.
Fast forward 10 years. She has never called him and he's tired of waiting so he goes to collect. Until she remembers him and can call him by name he is stuck in a wolfing form, but he has every intention of eating her so they can be together forever - HIS interpretation of the contract, but first she needs to fall in love with him so so she'll taste better, and of course she refuses. Thus begins the romantic battle. Anyone recognize this?
The page format of many of these Harlequins is identical to those one the website RomanceComics. com where they sell everything as one-shots (unless it was released as a part 1 & part 2). Prices range from an occasional $.99 to $5.99 for one-shots, to more for bundles. I'm reasonably sure this isn't a partnership, but as they have 1000s of titles, I hope they don't mind the few that end up here, however it happens. I've have been wondering if the chapter bit has something to do with the uploader's device's memory or something, because its not chapterized that way on RomanceComics website.
Hmm... this was supposed to be a reply @MeowKatt in the topic "Okay... again...", but it didn't work as intended .