i really like this one but trullly none of the mc's are right they manipulate each other lie to each other and just plainly do things to each other that dont show love, but i do wanna see yahiw and lee get together just bc to a certian extent hes right, cain is sweet and caring and loyal but lee truly doesnt know him he saw him on day and decided to be like yeah sure i trust him he seems nice, not saying yahwi is right bc he is also kinda shitty with all the things he was ble to do but to a ceratin extent i pity him, he doesnt know how to comunicate and he is filthy rich so he prolly doesnt know how hard people trully work for what they want and no to mention being raised by his granfather which literally taised him to not trust anyone or even give in to his feels, this is like my main reason to like him more than cain he is syatying to figure out that he has to be honest and break his back for what he wants and although some of his methos are questionable and his character is still kinda shitty he deserves props for that, i mean come on the guy didt undestand what having a crush on someone was and now hes work up the courage to confront his feeling and try (enphasis on try) to work aorund? with? them idk u really hope this has a happy ending bc this last ten chapter just broke my heart into bits
i really like this one but trullly none of the mc's are right they manipulate each other lie to each other and just plainly do things to each other that dont show love, but i do wanna see yahiw and lee get together just bc to a certian extent hes right, cain is sweet and caring and loyal but lee truly doesnt know him he saw him on day and decided to be like yeah sure i trust him he seems nice, not saying yahwi is right bc he is also kinda shitty with all the things he was ble to do but to a ceratin extent i pity him, he doesnt know how to comunicate and he is filthy rich so he prolly doesnt know how hard people trully work for what they want and no to mention being raised by his granfather which literally taised him to not trust anyone or even give in to his feels, this is like my main reason to like him more than cain he is syatying to figure out that he has to be honest and break his back for what he wants and although some of his methos are questionable and his character is still kinda shitty he deserves props for that, i mean come on the guy didt undestand what having a crush on someone was and now hes work up the courage to confront his feeling and try (enphasis on try) to work aorund? with? them idk u really hope this has a happy ending bc this last ten chapter just broke my heart into bits