Maybe its just me but, damn they only knew each other for 2 months and its already like this?
Hmm... I was hoping Yerenika stayed for like closer to a year not 2 months! lol.
to be honest on average people get feelings between 2-4 months men take around 88 days to fully love someone and woman less then 88 days. For me personally i only feel in love once in my life and that took me 2 weeks or a little less. Sadly the feelings weren't return by my then bf but oh well. Currently i am feeling how i am falling back in love again with the guy i am dating but i have a fear he doesn't love me yet. Its very frustrating cause i notice how i am pushing myself away from him and forcing myself not to love him. Love is a very strange thing that happens in are mind and not even science can explain it sadly. So 2 months or 2 and a half months is more then enough to have feelings for someone. I hope you could learn or understand a little from my useless long paragraph XD
sorry i must have misunderstood the point or wording, okay so if you are referring to love, yes it can take 2 months to love someone if you are talking about why she is only staying there for 2 months, yeah that is not good she should have stayed at the castle a lot longer like a year or so. Lets hope for the best that this is not the case.
Thank you for sharing your experience. It really is sad if your feelings are not returned. But for me, 2 months is kinda weak if you talk about falling in love.
Maybe infatuation but not love. This is just my opinion though.
Especially if you were raised to rule a nation in which I bet they were trained to be more reserved. 2 months, its just not enough.
This kind of falling too fast for me is kinda Disneyish.
Sometimes, especially for first mothers, the baby bump is not visible until around 6 months.
There are lots of cases that baby bumps dont show that much. There is even a show that they do not know they are pregnant and there is no baby bump, and based on my personal experience as well.