The story is all over the place.
Guess I have to let this sit first and come back after more ep.
I kind of understand the translation though,its the story's flow which is kind of confusing as there seems to be a lot of secrets so I am sitting it for a while.
Also, I know of the different translators and actually there are 3 groups. 2 is a trans group while 1 is more or less like a compiler (releasing dif. stories from dif. trans group).
The 1st trans and the compiler trans I am still a member, while the 2nd/grabber trans was really well known of taking payments and makes it look like its a "non-forced, donation that they need to buy the raws"
The donators will also have the previlege to read their trans in advance, still they slyly said its not like a membership like wut? They even deleted their previous announcement of such just so it will not look like it. Lol.
That is why I left that group. Too much drama and slyly getting money from works that is not their own. Like seriously, you only buy 1 raw and how many would've donated like duh!
Now that I came back ang binge read it in a day.
I just somewhat able to think that maybe Sabina's friend/classmate in the train station was also sucked in the warphole since she tried to warn sabina?
But they end up in a different timeline.
Here, here. On the last Episode, it was clear that the rapist was also sucked in the warphole but he was nowhere to be seen.
And by the looks of it, the latest girl traveler from another world is from a timeline that was the same as Sabina's even though it looks like 100 years or so has passed already when Sabina first appeared.
Returners and Solo leveling will be halted for the translator was stopped by the original trans.
T_T I hope someone will pick it up again or we really don't have a choice but read it in the official site.
I hope you are correct. But the past years where they pull that stunt they always take it back and says its a joke on April 2.
This time the first post in April 1 was deleted and the post of April 2 remained and still no update, until now, that its a prank.
So I really do hope you are correct that its just a prank.
I think from the start Yoshino has already suspected that Kirishima is meeting up with someone. When she met Nao, she was able to piece it together.
It might not have been obvious but Yoshino knows how Yakuza world works. She has been carefull to protect Kirishama from the start they were in Osaka for she knows that he is in an enemy territory.
She even knows that Kirishima cloned her phone the reason why she gave the number of her tablet to Nao's instead.
And Kirishima knows that if Yoshino will know his situation, she will also act on her own way like before.
They are protecting each other in their own way.
Although I still hope Yoshino wont end up to Kirishima, cheating is always not a good option whatever the reason.