Kay June 19, 2024 7:40 am

It’s seems to be a good story at its core, unfortunately I think a lot of people are getting confused as a result of the numerous spelling mistakes and typos in almost every panel. It is a shame when good stories are ruined by lazy/inept translation, but I guess it could be an even bigger shame if there were no translation at all.

    satohru June 20, 2024 8:07 pm

    there were just a few chaps that were uploaded in the wrong order so i just read on a diff website and it made sense its not rlly bad translations.. or at least in the recent ones

Kay March 29, 2024 9:06 am

What’s more frustrating than reading a bad webtoon? Reading a good webtoon only to find a whole chapter isn’t even translated. Chapter 14 is untranslated and I was unable to find it translated anywhere else, tbh I wouldn’t have started reading had I known.
I went to the scanlation site (like manga) like is written in previous posts to try to find chapter 14, that’s a waste of time - you don’t get a translation and your attacked with ads and pop ups. It’s almost like likemanga purposely did this and said to go to their site to get the translation so they could get more site visitors and their not fixing the problem only so no one else can then fix it. Now I know to be wary of, and avoid this site - it explains why helvetica kept replying so conscientiously to every chap 14 complaint with an overall vagueness, but there is no reply from those who posted the comment. So I then tried kaiscans, the original uploaders before likemanga, only to get a bad gateway notice. And I’m not planning to keep checking which is likely counted upon if my suspicions are correct - hense the vagueness in scanlation when likemanga doesn’t work claim you didn’t mean that one, knowing full well kaiscans won’t work, but still get the visits to your site nonetheless.
Of course this is all just my suspicions based on the evidence, the fact that I hate manipulation and the fact that I’m majorly pissed off.

Kay August 29, 2023 2:29 pm

Note to self - never use jimanga again. It used to be one of my sites for manga reading, cos i had noted they do half decent updates and they seem to do a lot of them. But i just read 3 updates in a row that weren’t full updates & instead tell me to continue reading at jimanga. Im someone who particularly hates it when sites do something like this (esp. because they are doing it cos they’re greedy for more people to visit their site so they can make more money from advertisements & who knows what else), so whenever they do i make a note of it then i refuse to visit those sites again. I just don’t trust sites that try to force you to go there, who knows what else they might be trying to do seen as how they seem so desperate to get you there. Besides, on principal alone, it just pisses me off (one of my pet peeves is someone trying to manipulate me - it tend to make me do the opposite of what they want).

    AkumaKira August 30, 2023 3:17 pm

    What worse is that an actual uploader is the one uploading this. I have asked and messaged this person multiple times, yet no response nor the immediate action to upload full chapters.

    Though there are times when the chapters are perfect without being sliced in half, it's more like a 50/50 with the half chapters at this point.

    Either they are a person of Jimanga or they are too naive to believe a chapter end off on a cut off image. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Kay April 30, 2021 4:29 pm

I wonder if he has autism. I’m autistic & could identify with a lot of his behaviours (not looking at eyes, not knowing what should be said in certain situations, not knowing how those around you should be classified, having inappropriate or no facial expressions, being unable to fake a smile). Even the jerking off scene - many autistic people (especially females) are sexually abused (i was) simply because they are unaware of what is normal & they tend to be too trusting- i had some mixed feelings there.

Kay November 26, 2020 12:07 am

1st Hatshepsut is spelt wrong in the tag.
2nd I have yet to read this, but will do so soon—I studied History at University & wanted to give a reply to many of the posted comments.

Though i really think the reason for the lighter skin tone is to make MC stand out or is because creating darker skin tones is more work for the Mangaka. But, there are a few possible historical excuses:
Those that ruled Ancient Egypt never really had to go out under direct sunlight & are often depicted under shade cloth. Less direct sun = less tan.
Though there’s no evidence of this during this period, in later periods of Egyptian history its not uncommon for a pharaoh to marry someone from another empire as 1 of their wives. Also, a lot of records concerning Hatshepsut were destroyed by Thutmose III (her husbands son), so a very low chance that her mother was a foreigner—& though one of the reasons she was able to rise to power was because of her lineage, she may have “altered” some of her own history to justify her position as pharaoh (later to become a joint ruler with Thutmose III.
The recorded history shows that the royal family tree is full of incest (Hatshepsut herself was wife to her half brother & its possible her parents were siblings or half siblings). So her lighter skin could be a genetic defect/mutation.

Yes this is a period where it was not common for a woman to be pharaoh, but it was not unheard of, as she wasn't the 1st. However her rise to power did require her to strategically utilize her bloodline, education, and understanding of religion. In my own personal opinion women in ancient egypt probably had it better than some later historical periods - particularly the educated or noble ones (there is evidence later on that they could even get a divorce & live alone, supporting themselves).

Hatshepsut is considered the most successful of the rulers, so she probably had to develop a strong personality. But she was not raised to be a pharaoh, so it may have taken some time (& a few mistakes) to get there.

As i mentioned Thutmose III destroyed a lot of the records concerning Hatshepsut, so theres not as much about her as other pharaohs of the time. Therefore its difficult to get enough information to be fully historically accurate. But it means the author can be more creative when writing about her.

I like that there is a manga based on her (the ancient egyptians always had pictures along side their writing too, which i find kinda fitting), too many people dont know anything about her dispute her successful & long rule. There are too many people who think Cleopatra was the 1st and only. Personally, im not a big fan of Cleopatra, as we know that she slept her way to her position & at the time she was “ruler” it was technically Rome who owned Egypt anyway.

    bottomsup December 6, 2020 12:35 pm

    Wow that was fun to read. Thank you!

    Smockat April 9, 2024 8:37 pm

    Love this! Was really interesting to read. I fell off reading this because it updated so slowly but I’m gonna reread this. I remember enjoying it quite a bit so your little background info is very helpful

    Cookie May 13, 2024 4:51 pm

    Omg (≧∀≦) ty for the info it was mazing reading it.

    Jay June 11, 2024 1:59 am

    I think I accidentally downvoted this >_< thank you for this explanation! I just discovered this manga, and you’re making me want to read it

Kay September 14, 2020 5:02 am

Its rare to get such a well written summary, a HUGE thankyou to whomever wrote it, for putting in the effort (& for not adding needless & confusingly placed “!” / “?” / “...” / “!?” / “!!”)

Kay September 11, 2020 1:04 am

i’m just happy to see the Itachi/Ten/Martin, you don’t see this Yokai pop up very often in manga (the kitsune, or tanuke are more popular - even though the Itachi is said to have stronger transformation powers). I’d love to see a Kamaitachi in BL.

    Kay September 11, 2020 1:25 am

    Also, apparently the translators had trouble working out what he was—don’t know why—but if they used Itachi instead it would have probably been less confusing 4 readers as it would have signified it is a yokai, not just as an animal that transforms.

Kay August 31, 2020 2:22 am

I was so excited to see a sci-fi with high ratings - why the hell did people rate it so high, I mean it if you could understand it all, you would know how stupid it is & if you couldn't, why rate it so high? So frustrating! This was so friggin hard to read, not cos I couldn't follow what they’re saying - I understood it - but cos it was so abundantly clear that this mangaka should not be writing this genre. They clearly don't have the level of intellectual understanding to write sci-fi because everything is written superficially. Leaving me with the conclusion that even though this mangaka MAY have done some research in writing this, they didn't understand the research OR they MAY have researched with bias, having decided on their story they cherry picked the information.
I noticed many said they couldn't understand it - thats because when truly understanding a concept, you can communicate it so that anyone can understand it.
So who am i to claim this mangaka is dumb, especially seen as how they seem to know all those important words. Take the 1st eg. of a statement that had huge major flaws, it made me pissed (statements with minor flaws before it, eg. the 1st sentence of the “scientist”-pg.9=there have been experiments B4 the 1 he mentions- but it tells us that it may be the, then popular, experiment that prompted them 2 try 2 write sci-fi). The 1st statement 2 majorly annoy me (pg.9), “If cloning becomes legal, then it will cause problems for our already unbalanced society. For example, if some maniac decides to clone Adolf Hitler, it would become an issue”. Leaving behind human cloning debates & debates on the state of human society in 2002 (pub.date), as they are moral & therefore debatable, my problem is with the Hitler statement. I think what happened is the mangaka tried to make the common philosophical question of: “if you could travel back in time would you go back and kill Hitler as a baby” fit and it doesn't - any knowledge in history, cloning, sci-fi, philosophy or the concept of nature vs. nurture would tell you that. Though everyone hates Hitler, he was a product of his time & both his behaviour & hatred towards Jews came from his life experiences. Also, his hatred of Jews is contested as perhaps not as intense as everyone believes as he might not have even known the full extent of what was being done to them. Many historians, with evidence, believe it was his general who was the driving force behind it all, showing many Germans of that time hated Jews. Anyway, my point is, that if you were to clone Hitler he wouldn’t turn out the same. He wasn't born a jew hating psychopath - if he were ,there would be no philosophical debate about time travel - & there is no way to transfer memories. Even if there was, i doubt you could do it without the original corpse. Besides I could think of hundreds of better, more constructive uses of a maniac’s time then making a useless baby Hitler.
The superficial logic continues throughout, for an angel that has so much time to sit around and think, he sure didn't think long or well about his argument & in both stories there were even self contradictions - was it even edited? Also, hearing what the angel said, it could be stated that the angel was only ‘that way’ because of how they had raised & used him - making his choice to continue being a cannibal their fault.
Anyway, if you read this Manga and think its too intelligent for you to understand - don't.

    Marikio October 27, 2020 8:04 am

    Thank you. I thought I was the i only one who thoughts this years ago!!!

Kay August 30, 2020 10:58 pm

It was cute & fluffy, but i feel like people are building it up more just because it is one of the rare ones that represent the overweight. It’s a shame we live in a world where extra accolades must be given to those willing to represent the less attractive realities of society. But then again it’s also sad we live in a world where Mangakas feel a need to represent them. Whoever the manga represents, in a perfect world it should be enjoyed for its quality of art and story, not for what group (minority or not) it represents, and i feel like if this one was not about someone overweight, it wouldn’t have got such a high rating. Also, i noticed how the Yaoi content wasn’t included until after he lost the weight & became cute & i feel the subtext of this choice should undo any good will earned by the fact that the story’s about the overweight. It just felt to me, with how it was added, like the mangaka may have only represented the overweight because the were seeking the accolades & not because they genuinely wanted to (sorry my background in humanities makes it hard for me not to ponder writer motives) & either by the drive of themselves or their editor it was decided that a fat person having sex would be too unattractive for readers. i think, if your going to, go 100% or not at all.
I also don’t like the way arai treats him - in regards to the confession, but i’ve gone on long enough.
BTW if u wondering i’m fat. i was obese but recently managed to get down to just overweight.

    BarneyAllPower September 5, 2020 4:16 am

    I totally understand. I realized all of this while reading too. Still I don't have the energy to get bothered by it since it's known most yaoi is made by women for... Women. By starting there I think it's clear that they just portray a fiction world bases on a unknwon "reality". People who don't give it deep thought can empathize with this but understanding this details make it difficult to fully enjoy the story. I hope you could understand what I tried to say with my shitty english hahhaha.
    PS: I'm still a sucker for lovely things. I try hard not to notice the background so I can enjoy it fully and feel the fluff so after this I'm going to forget this matter. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Kay September 5, 2020 7:50 am
    I totally understand. I realized all of this while reading too. Still I don't have the energy to get bothered by it since it's known most yaoi is made by women for... Women. By starting there I think it's clear... BarneyAllPower

    Don’t get me wrong, i enjoyed the story & i wouldnt say i was bothered by it either. The story itself gave me no reason to write my post, it was the high total rating that did.

    After reading this cute manga I looked at the rating & thought: “huh, it was good, but i didnt think it was near that good. I wonder why it has such a high rating?”
    Ive seen it too often, with too many manga - people rating things based on the genres & topics covered, not on the quality of the work. I don’t think its fair & its annoying that i chose this 1 cos it was rated higher. Its also terribly disappointing when a Manga doesn't meet expectations.

    As i wrote my educational background means that I'm able to analyse, what i didn't write is that I’m autistic. Always being autistic mean you sometimes forget others brains don't work the same way as others. Autistic people have monotropic minds, which means we have difficulty dividing up our attention like in social situations (body language [eyes, mouth, hands, etc], tone of voice, volume, language usage, direction their looking, pauses, etc), which are filled with vast and varied cues (not to mention you have to try to control all these factors within yourself at the same time), all of which small amounts of attention are automatically allotted. However, while we have difficulty dividing our attention, we can easily enter what is called a flow state (a state many scholars have to study & practice at for years before they can do it properly), which allows us to focus all of our attention on one task. So, while i often analyse the “background” stuff, i cam also fully enjoy the foreground, while also processing a huge amount of other things about it. For myself, instead of taking away from the manga, i think it adds to the experience as you are reading the full manga at every level. Besides i’ll always be autistic & its the only way i can do things, so I'm content with it.

    By what you wrote: i still don't understand why the fact that Yaoi is written by women automatically means we all should just shrug our shoulders & say anything’s fine? (if thats what you meant by that)

    PS: During this reply, if anything seems angered, sad, confrontational, or narcissistic- i apologise, as I'm writing this with fairly neutral emotion, i just like covering everything & have trouble knowing what info to leave out, because to me all info is important to better understanding.

    BarneyAllPower October 7, 2020 10:19 pm

    Thank you for replying. I'd love to explain my thoughts but english is not my first language so I probably won't make much sense :(
    First of all, I'm glad you explained. Now I understand what made you feel that way. I can also understand it.
    Secondly, I'm not a fan of thinking everything passes just because it's written by women. It's just that I've read so much yaoi that at this point I find it pointless myself to analyze each detail which points out everything that's off of each manga. Clearly, this is just me being lazy( ̄∇ ̄"). But I still appreciate when people do it, somehow it's like someone else is doing my job for me ( ̄∇ ̄").
    You also took in consideration the ratings which is something I never would have taken into account.
    That said I'm glad you explained your opinion with detail.
    Oh! My little brother is autistic too. He's currently 13 years old. I'm happy I read your comment. It doesn't look angered or anything like that :D/

Kay August 1, 2020 8:05 am

I’ve only read vol.1 so far but to me, a person who has Autism, it seems clear that Nakahara has autism (*FunFact-In Autopsy Autistic brains actually look different . A lot of times, when he expressed himself in words or thoughts, he seems to feel the same way as myself & others with autism:

—He explains feeling distanced from those around: “Its like I’m watching everyone (from a raft) on the shore while i slowly drift away” - a lot of autistic people in their teens start to feel like they are getting further and further away (mentally) then those around them and unfortunately that feeling is with you for life. I say its like being the only sober person in a room full of drunks.

—He’s a loner, but doesn't seem worried about it. Its not that we don't want friends we just don't know how to get them (currently i don't have any friends - haven't for over 15yrs). So usually the only friendships we get are with those who approached us.

—He actually shows surprise at being called a friend. We have difficulty identifying our relationships with those around us.

—Having a grumpy face, when its actually he’s normal face. I’m always having people ask if I'm ok all my life, but i only realised why when i was told in my teens. Unlike others we don’t have that natural instinct(?) to smile when we see others.

—Autistic people Monotropic minds [focuses its attention on a small number of interests at any time & interests that are active at any given time tend to consume most of the available attention]. So we tend to have a limited number of, often obscure, interests & we also tend to now everything about those interests as well.

—Lastly- the women he had sex with (in case you don't know having sex with a minor IS sexual abuse). I heard on a documentary that 90% of women with a mental/cognitive disability are sexually abused at some point in their life (sorry, i don't know the male figures). Any flirting or suggestive behaviour or words would have been lost on him, but she would have thought he was receptive. Even when she took him back to her home & started putting moves on him, he still wouldn't have understood. Afterwards he wouldn't be angry or happy or any emotion other than confusion and discomfort. So he wouldn't understand his classmates reactions (i was sexually abused at 5 and was only left with those feelings - i didn't even know it was abuse until my early 20s, cos i didn't tell anyone cos i didn't know i should.

As you can see there is A LOT of evidence that he could have autism - i could have just simply listed the points, but because most people don't know much as out autism i thought it best to explain how those points lead to autism.

    yEet January 18, 2021 12:05 pm

    Oh- i didnt even think of that. Thanks for spreading awareness! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    yEet January 18, 2021 12:06 pm

    And i hope youre doing fine :)

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