Mori, a child found in an abandoned house, opens his eyes in a shelter by a rescue team. One day, wh...
- Author: Gomyang
- Genres: Webtoons / Shounen / Shoujo / Adventure / Fantasy / Action / Aliens Webtoons Adventure Fantasy Action Aliens
Chichi to Ko - Welcome to the bumpy, yet easygoing slice-of-life comedy of a certain father and son....
- Author: uchiko
- Genres: Shounen / Slice Of Life
Our main character, who is exhausted from being a corporate slave, gets transported to another world...
- Author: Mike Tama
- Genres: Romance / Mature
The ex-goddess Izumi spends her days looking after her little girl Mika and mommy blogging. Once the...
- Author:
- Genres: Fantasy / Seinen / Slice Of Life / Supernatural
Tamako comes for an interview at a ramen shop run only by cats, with no humans. The cat manager asks...
- Author: ANGYAMAN
- Genres: Animals / Comedy / Slice of Life / Cooking